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Registered Group



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Membership Info

Listserve Info


Member Directory


MacDinner 9


Send all comments to:
[email protected]

Annual Dues:
Individual membership dues are $25/year.
Family membership dues $35/year.

When you are ready to join, just write a check, payable to MLMUG and deliver it personally at the meeting, or mail it to:

Treasurer, MLMUG
P. 0. Box 1374
Southeastern, PA 19399.

Map and Directions to our Meetings

MLMUG Meeting Dates, Times, Agenda

You are welcome to "just visit" once or twice, to check us out, but joining will bring you these benefits of membership:

  • Access to our List Server where all member-postings are distributed to over 175 members' Email addresses, either immediately or in daily digest form.
  • Authorization to post to that list, your:
    - Problems/Questions
    - Answers/Comments/Discussion
    - Announcements/Sightings
    - Jokes (Computer related only, please)
  • Access to the Member Directory at this site, where you can find other members whose experience you can tap.
  • Subscription to our monthly newsletter, always chock full of interesting, useful, and amusing information...
  • Attendance at the monthly meetings, where you'll learn, share and network with a wide range of Mac Users:
    1. Working Mac Professionals
    2. Complete Neophytes
    3. Bonafide Propeller-Heads
  • Special User Group Discounts on hardware, software, and other products and services. Also, benefit from other members' experiences, both good and bad, with retailers, repairers, ISPs, or other vendors.
  • Auction items at far less than retail prices
  • Free items at MLMUG Raffles...
  • On-line Software library packed with shareware and freeware...
  • Something useful to do with your Saturday mornings besides sleeping in or doing those lousy chores!


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©2003 by MLMUG
Updated 9/11/03