MLMUG: Journal

Download the full PDF of the most recent April 2014 newsletter (3.3 MB)

NOTE: The most recent issue requires the members-only
ID and password, as published on the MLMUG Group List.

NOTE: Columns in html format are not available for the January 2014 and subsequent newsletters. Please return to the MLMUG home page and select the Newsletter Downloads link to access pdf format newsletters.

VOLUME 25, NO. 01,
December 2013 articles


Fletcher's Primer on Battery Charging
Guest Column by Dale Fletcher
Dale helps you sort out battery types and charging


AI and Humans — The Least Robotic Human
by Kathy Garges

Pitting the AI machine against the Most Human Human.


Book Marks Column
by Mark Bazrod, MLMUG Newsletter Editor
New Wallpaper and Mission Control


Photo of the Month
Judged by Sally Bazrod
Pink Nora — By Barbara Royer

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Updated 02/07/2014
© 2014 by Bob Barton and MLMUG