MLMUG Member of the Month, by Gail
An Occasional Look at the Person Behind the Member

By Gail Montgomery,
MLMUG Social Secretary

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Walter Burns

Our Member-of-the-Month for August 2005 is Walter Burns. Little did I realize that when I asked him to participate in this column, his biography would turn out to be filled with such interesting twists and turns. I know you'll enjoy reading about Walt as much as I did.

— Gail Montgomery

I was born in Santa Marta, Colombia to American employees of the United Fruit Company (Chiquita Banana) in the mid '30s. In 1939, they were transferred to Guatemala, and back to the Colombian division in 1947.

I attended high school/college in New England with a year at U of Madrid...history buff...Re-conquest of Iberia as arm of the Crusades.

I worked at The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City in the '60s, then took up the challenge to learn business in Venezuela, where it turns out business was pervasively conducted as a win/lose proposition and not my cup of tea.

However, I did meet and marry a U of P student visiting Caracas for the summer, and we settled in Philadelphia for the amenities that were unaffordable in NYC...and am still here because I learned to love Philly. America's secret.

In the 1970's I became a working stiff: started at the "last chance" Texaco gas station in Chestnut Hill and then opened my own auto garage — general mechanical repairs — in Chestnut Hill in the early '80s. Learned a 4th language: Blue-collar-eze. "Yo, you'se got your registration and insurance card?"

I got my first Mac in 1991(Color Classic) to do database work for my garage: contacts, work orders, billing and inventory. Started with 4D but found FileMaker V3 a quicker learn.

I still work with FileMaker Pro — developer and aficionado. Charter member of the Philly FM Developers Group, where I see MLMUG members from time to time.

I just finished a comprehensive database solution for artists: MyArtOrganizer Pro—an integrated, art information database designed specifically to enable artists to more easily publicize their art.

...yea, last week I changed the name from MyArTracker. It was not tracking well with artists.

Demo CD available on request. Demo contains real data so you can play with all the features right from the git-go. No Web site as yet...but it does work on Mac (OS 9+ and X) and that other popular platform.

Watch for a future review of it on MLMUG's Reviews page, including a special price for MLMUG members:

Discovered MLMUG through Bill Achuff, my alfa guru still...

— Walter Burns

Click here to view ALL Members of the Month.

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© 2005 by Walter Burns & MLMUG
Posted 08/02/05
Updated 08/05/05