MLMUG Member of the Month
An Occasional Look at the Person Behind the Member

By Maria O. Arguello,
MLMUG Member-at-Large
& Occasional Ace Reporter

Sally Bazrod

Sally Bazrod, our Member of the Month for April, allows us an insight into her love for the Mac and how she has used it in her personal life and her career. I visited her webpage and spent a few delightful moments viewing photos of her family, friends and recent projects. Thank you Sally for sharing your bio with us.
— Maria O. Arguello

Sally Bazrod
Sally Bazrod

Little did my husband suspect that his Christmas gift to me in 1999 would become a love affair! My first experience with a computer was in the early 1980's when I typed my husband's business plan for his new company venture, Lease Programs Inc. (a computer leasing firm) on an Apple II. After that, however, my exposure to computers was limited to news reports, overheard business conversations and the like. My gift was an iBook, a wondrous machine about which I hadn't a clue. Dale Fletcher's beginning iMac class at Main Line Night School, reading books, magazines and much trial and error eased the way. A digital camera followed leading me to Dale's Photoshop courses and I was hooked. My computer has become an integral part of my life encompassing my business, home management, communications and fun.

I grew up in Havertown, went to Pennsylvania State University, was married for ten years, was a single working mother for another ten years and married my husband, Mark, in 1975. Our blended family of five children all lived with us - I guess we were too dumb to know that this was supposed to be a problem. Actually, it wasn't bad, given the typical teen years, and we have been blessed with having our six grandchildren all living nearby.

The empty nest led me to explore what to do with the rest of my life. As I had been rearranging the homes of my friends for years, I decided to go back to school to study interior design. My first project was a bathroom redesign for our home and I won a Better Homes & Garden co-sponsor award for its 1986 home remodeling contest. I began my business, DESIGN et cetera, in 1987 and developed clients by becoming a Welcome Wagon sponsor and offering a free design consultation. This led me to work with many first-time home owners and I've been privileged to get to know many young families over the years, to watch their children grow up, and, of course, to help them have their homes reflect their taste and needs. Some of my recent projects can be viewed on my webpage at

My husband, a "Windows guy", has enthusiastically accompanied me to all the MLMUG meetings where he has caught the MAC fever. He's now on the MacOutfitter's list to receive his new iMac. Hopefully, he'll share it with me. Meanwhile, I pursue my love of the piano, reading mystery novels, gardening, and an art course I'm taking this spring. Where does the time go?

— Sally Bazrod

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©2001, 2002 by Maria O. Arguello, Sally Bazrod & MLMUG
Posted 04/01/02