MLMUG Member of the Month, by Gail
An Occasional Look at the Person Behind the Member

By Gail Montgomery,
MLMUG Social Secretary

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Nancy Bloomfield is our Member-of-the-Month for November 2005. I remember when Nancy originally joined the MLMUG, and I'm truly in awe of the progress she's made since she became a Mac afficionado. When you read her bio, I'm sure you'll agree that she's done a terrific job of integrating her Mac into her busy life.

— Gail Montgomery

Nancy Bloomfield

So, who am I? From the perspective of MLMUG I can best be characterized as a switcher and now a fan of what I am learning to do with a Mac. I actually began using computers with an Apple IIe, but when the School District for whom I worked began using PCs I was forced to switch over and spent many years using "Windoze". When Rochelle Goldman started telling me about MLMUG and all the fun things I could do with a Mac, I became intrigued. As I planned my retirement I shopped with her and fell in love with the iMac. I had used a computer primarily for word processing and e-mail and had never been much of a photographer. When Rochelle told me I would soon be taking digital pictures and then wanting to work with video, I told her that was unlikely. However, I bought the computer, joined MLMUG and got hooked. So I bought a digital camera and started working with iPhoto. Then I acquired a video camera and filmed a vacation. Now I own two digital cameras and one video camera and am addicted to photographing whenever I get the chance. After a course with Dale Fletcher on Photoshop and some additional help with iMovie I find I just don't have enough time to apply what I am learning. I have made several DVDs and even if my audience is limited, I'm making great memories for my husband and me to cherish. In addition to the photography, the computer is now an essential part of my everyday life — for business, communication with family, managing my finances and surfing the net for information.

I grew up in the Philadelphia area, moving from West Philadelphia to Lower Merion, and then have lived in various places in Delaware County since college. I married and had two children, who are now grown with their own careers and children. After a very long marriage, my husband and I parted ways and I subsequently met Phil. We married fourteen years ago and we each acquired two children. Now we have four children, three children-in-law, and six grandchildren. Phil is from Chicago, so I now get to go there periodically to visit with his family and appreciate a new city. My two children and five grandchildren live out of town, so we visit them in Maryland and Florida whenever we can manage it. Phil's daughters live in this area so we see them more frequently.

My professional life has been long and full. I graduated from Bryn Mawr College with a bachelor's degree in psychology, and worked part-time on a research project while my children were very young. Then I taught kindergarten for two years and decided to return to graduate school in psychology. I earned a Ph.D. in Education and Child Development, became a certified school psychologist and then a licensed psychologist. I then proceeded to work for about thirty years as a school psychologist, a college professor and a psychologist in independent practice. I retired from the Marple Newtown School District three years ago, thinking that I would have lots of time to fill with new hobbies, including digital photography. I also thought I would keep my private practice alive with some minimal work. In the past three years my practice has grown significantly and I work at least half time (sometimes more). I am now providing independent psychological evaluations to children and adolescents who are having difficulty in school.

Another aspect of my life that keeps me quite busy is volunteering at our synagogue. I was president of the congregation for four years and have been on the Board of Trustees for at least ten years. I am currently Vice President for Long Range Planning and the congregational representative to our region. Phil and I also sing in the temple choir so we have weekly rehearsals, and I have many meetings for all the committees on which I serve.

I am also an inveterate reader and have joined three book groups, so I fill in my spare moments with reading. Travel continues to be high on our list of preferred activities and we have been to Thailand, Costa Rica and Africa since I retired. We are planning a European River Cruise in late spring. (More great photo ops!) Life continues to be very full and extremely rewarding. My only complaint is that there are not enough hours in the day to enjoy all the activities I love.

— Nancy Bloomfield

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© 2004 by Nancy Bloomfield & MLMUG
Posted 11/02/05
Updated xx/xx/05