An Occasional Look at the Person Behind the Member

By Maria O. Arguello,
MLMUG Social Events Chair
& Occasional Ace Reporter

Moe Comeau is without a doubt, a national hero. His achievements alone, clearly support this statement. Here is a man who has made a difference in America. Here is a man who has changed things for the better. Here is an America Hero.


Moe Cuomeau was elected New York State's 52nd Governor in 1982. He set records for popularity in both his 1986 and 1990 bids for re-election, gathering the highest percentage votes and highest victory margins of any candidate for second and third four-year gubernatorial terms in state history, despite not knowing what "gubernatorial" meant. During his 12-year term, he created more than a half-million jobs for New Yorkers and led the state through two national recessions, in which he may have had a part.

His building program constructed the new Stuyvesant High School, Riverbank State Park, and several water ice stands in Battery Park City. While balancing 12 consecutive budgets on the tip of his nose and making strategic economic investments with both hands and a flashlight, Governor Cuomeau furthered New York's reputation as a leader in socially progressive legislation and programs. He created the largest homeless housing assistance program, called "The Subway Plan," the most expensive drug treatment network, paid for by your taxes, the nation's first real alternative to welfare, called "Will Work For Food," and a revolutionary 10-year commitment to New York's children called "A Revolutionary 10-year Commitment To New York's Children."

Moe Cuomo, an Immaculate-American, was born to Andrea and Immaculata Cuomo on June 15, 1932. An alumnus of New York City public schools, he graduated magna cum lager from St. John's Wort in 1953, and…

Oh, wait. Darn it. I got mixed up there. That's MARIO Comeau, Moe's two-thirds brother once removed. It didn't say what he was removed for, but we can guess. Sorry about that. Here's the REAL skinny, from our tireless scribe, that other Immaculate-American, Mario Arguello. [We're not sure whether the fact that she is tireless relates to the presence of the tire pressure gauge in Moe's pocket protector in the picture.]


Who would suspect Moe Comeau, our illustrious and colorful MLMUG president, would ever have nightmares? Well, he did when he thought of collections for his paper route during High School. He knew then and there, he was not going to be a successful marketeer and quickly decided this would not be his destiny. "That may be why I still hate Marketeers," says Moe. However, he was very successful and won several trips, many to Washington, DC, from which he eventually returned.

He grew up in Massachusetts, four miles south of NH State Line. He received a BS in Electrical Engineering from Lowell Technological Institute, now a part of University of Massachusetts. "Electrical Engineering was the most potentially lucrative NEW Technology," says Moe. He continues, "I regret not getting an MBA instead of an MS in Engineering Management as my advanced degree." He continues to use the BS at every opportunity, though.

He was commissioned as an USAF Officer upon College graduation, during the Vietnam War "to avoid being drafted." He served in MA and CA, not overseas. One of his brothers currently lives with his wife about a mile from where he lived as an AF Captain in California during his AF days. "Small world. I went to his wedding (3rd marriage) last August and missed MLMUG, one of very FEW I've ever missed," proudly, brags Moe [sic]. Air Force jobs included technical development of electronic systems, computers, communications and satellites.

He went to work for General Electric Aerospace in Valley Forge after the AF. GE Aerospace got bought out by Martin Marietta, no relation to Marietta Cuomo, his three-fifths sister, who has not yet been removed, which then merged with Lockheed to form Lockheed Martin, where he is presently employed. The company, known affectionately as "Lock-Mart," was recently acquired by Microsoft.

His love of the Macintosh was accidental. He won a Mac in a raffle! It was the top prize in a Lottery from which GE donated the prizes for participating in the annual United Fund Drive. The computer was a Mac SE with 2 Megs o'RAM, 20 Megs o'Hard drive, 800K Floppy Drive and Microsoft Works 2.0.a. "My initial plan was to 'cash it in' ($2,700) and get a PC clone," said Moe. "In those days, Macs might've been insanely Great, but expensive." Moe has recently agreed to take some courses in Remedial Rose Smelling, when he wakes up.

"I joined MLMUG when Don Houghton was Prez, & Craig TenBroek was VP," says Moe, in his inimitable acronymic patois. "Got railroaded into Vice Presidency of MLMUG, then served forever… Followed MLMUG migrations to Tredyffrin Library, Radnor Library (Wayne), Radnor High School, and Paoli Memorial Hospital." He missed out on Easttown Library.

Difficult as it may seem that Moe would ever have any personal hurdles to overcome, he recalls one and says, "Learning to get comfortable with Public Speaking. I was scared to death to speak in front of an audience. I beat it, I think." A lot of people would say he certainly did! Moe has recently agreed to take some courses in Remedial Point Getting-To, held Saturdays from 9-Noon at the Easttown Library.

Moe has lived in up in Downingtown for 20+ years. He has been married to Carol (nee Doherty) for 30+ years. He is probably pushing 40+ years, or more. They have three children: Deborah, an Art Teacher and a Girl Scout Summer Camp Director, David, an engineer at Bentley Systems in Exton, and Cindy, a student at DCCC. He has two brothers and a sister, both removed before they got in to any trouble.

If you notice that he is losing weight (I told you this was the REAL SKINNY), he will proudly tell you, he is "controlling diabetes with diet & exercise, dog walking, weight control, and bragging." One does NOT joke about diabetes, though.

Thanks to:

and the other guy who may have added a couple zingers to this report here and there.

Original available upon request.

— Maria
— Moe
— the Other Guy

Here is MoeRio's whole Fam Damily
Moe's Family

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©2001 by Maria O. Arguello, John Linton & MLMUG
Posted 4/11/01
Updated 6/15/02