MLMUG Member of the Month
An Occasional Look at the Person Behind the Member

By Maria O. Arguello,
MLMUG Member-at-Large
& Occasional Ace Reporter

Michael LeWitt

Dr. Mike, as he is warmly known to the Main Line Macintosh User Group family, is our January, 2003 Member of the Month. He has been a valued and valuable member of MLMUG since 1992. I began attending his New Users SIG when I first joined MLMUG and was very impressed with his kindness, patience and skill as a teacher. He always encourages new users to ask questions and tells them that no question is a stupid question. His students do move on to more advanced SIGS as they gain confidence using their Macs. Thanks Dr. Mike for all the time and devotion you give to MLMUG.

— Maria O. Arguello


Mike LeWitt

Mike LeWitt
Photo by Rochelle Goldman

From Mike LeWitt, our January Member of the Month

My first exposure to computers was in college when I took a Fortran course and used a room size IBM to solve (in retrospect) simple statistical problems for my psychology major courses. Now, of course, a small hand held calculator can do these problems faster without the use of punch cards.

I bought my first Mac, a Mac Plus in December 1986, along with a 20 mg hard driver, Applewriter printer, and 2400 K modem. I also bought Microsoft Works version 1.1. My wife initially thought we would have no use for a computer but that has changed over time. We are an all Mac family, with my older daughter at college choosing a powerbook, my son in high school (the inventor of random trash can, an application on MLMUG website) with a Ti book, and my younger daughter, in 7th grade, and wife, a tax and estate attorney, with a powerbook. I chug along with my 7 year old 9500. We have had several others along the way - I specialize, it seems, in end of the line Apple products such as the Mac II FX, the first portable (the 17 lb luggable), the first Laserwriter, etc. I remain loyal to Apple however, and my car license is MACUZER (MACUSER was taken). I joined MLMUG in 1992, and sometime in 1994, I established the New User SIG (though I prefer StartUp Folder) as it seemed at that time a lot of people were having difficulty learning the Mac. The SUFL began several years later, as an opportunity to devote more time to the subjects.

In my day job, I am a morning househusband for my kids getting to school and errands getting done, and then I go off to work as an Emergency Physician, practicing at two hospitals in Philadelphia. I teach emergency medicine skills on a regular basis in various settings.

Outside of work, I enjoy computers, reading, music, art, movies, sometimes play squash, and, of course, my family. My favorite authors include Herman Hesse, Lawrence Block, John Steinbeck, and, lately, Thomas Friedman in the non fiction category.

— Michael LeWitt

Update! Here is a "fresh" photo of Dr Mike, taken at the January '03 meeting, by Maria Arguello:


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© 2002 by Maria O. Arguello, Mike LeWitt, Rochelle Goldman, & MLMUG
Posted 01/05/03
Updated 01/12/03