MLMUG Member of the Month
An Occasional Look at the Person Behind the Member

By Maria O. Arguello,
MLMUG Member-at-Large
& Occasional Ace Reporter

Michelle Barton

Michelle Barton has had a long and successful twelve year career with The School District of Philadelphia. She has earned the respect of her superiors and colleagues alike with her warm personality and her dedicated service to the school children of Philadelphia. She is a life-long learner who keeps up with computer technology by attending training programs which allow her to share her knowledge with her colleagues and the children she teaches.

Michelle Barton
Michelle Barton

Michelle is very proud of her many accomplishments like being the presenter for Student Test Taking Skills, The Curriculum Renewal Plan, The New Report Cards for K-3rd grade and the Lightspan Curriculum used with Sony PlayStations. She has helped many Student-teachers from West Chester University, Cheyney University and Temple University. Lately she was the assistant teacher for "Foundations of Instructional Technology" to sixteen teachers who will receive two credit hours. Michelle also assisted teachers at Turner Middle School in learning the principles of accessing the Internet in May, 2002. But her latest project was participating in a program to be an instructor for Projects with iMovie to produce videos for school use — "the sessions focused on how to use digital video to develop students' communication skills." Each instructor was given a Canon ZR45 DV Camcorder at the end of the class. Does she have a nose for keeping up with technology or what?

But what does Michelle do outside her career? She's very involved with her Church and loves tennis—she played varsity for Temple University. She also loves music, bible study, and technology. As a Main Line Macintosh Users Group (MLMUG) member she helps to coordinate finding a worthy group or cause for the distribution of computers donated to the group.

— Maria O. Arguello

Click here to view previous Members of the Month.

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© 2002 by Maria O. Arguello, Michelle Barton & MLMUG
Posted 07/05/02