MLMUG Member of the Month, by Gail
An Occasional Look at the Person Behind the Member

By Gail Montgomery,
MLMUG Social Secretary

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The year 2005 closes with Marc Robinson as our Member-of-the-Month. Would you like to learn a little more about the guy who brilliantly edited our MLMUG newsletter? Yep, I thought you would! It's a good me, he has a very interesting background. (For your info, his "better half", Mallory Gerber, was our Member-of-the-Month back in May of 2004).

— Gail Montgomery

Marc Robinson

As newsletter editor for over two years, I've already written quite a bit about myself. I'm not sure what else I can add, so here goes nothin'.

I work at Lincoln Financial as a Production Designer. No, I can't get you Eagles tickets. I was a freelance designer here for two years before they hired me full time.

Before I worked here, I worked as a freelance designer for lots of other companies over the last six years. I made proposals at ARAMARK and PriceWaterhouseCoopers. I made ads at The Brownstein Group, Red Tettamer, and Paragraph Design. I made catalogs for Lippincott, Wilkins and Williams. I made newsletters at Drexel University and The Union League. I'm not sure what I did at Vanguard Investments, but it was with our friend, John Donnelly.

That all happened after a two year gig as a designer at Delaware Investments. They were bought by Lincoln Financial, so I've really come full circle. Or I'm stuck in a rut. It depends what kind of day I'm having when you ask me.

I went to Delaware after a five year design stint at Arthur Andersen LLP. No reason to groan, I was out long before the Enron scandal. Arthur was my first job out of school and it's where I learned about page layout and print production. Why didn't I learn it in school you ask? Because I was a Jewelry Major.

That's right, the secret's out. The computer whiz kid and production designer to the stars was formally trained as a metalsmith. When I left school I knew more about casting bronze than color separations. Long before the Titanium PowerBook I was making jewelry out of cold-joined, anodized titanium. Actually, the best thing I got out of school was my wife, Mallory. It was her idea to buy a Mac and for that, among many other things, I'm grateful to her.

While I was at school I worked for Bodoff and Company, my mother's design studio. With PageMaker 2 on a MacPlus, we were state-of-the-art. So, when I left school it turned out to be easier to make type bold for a large corporation than it was to become a full-time jeweler. After all, my metalsmithing equipment belonged to Temple and it was hard to get to once I graduated. So here I am, mouse jockey for the man!

Oh, and before all that I was a movie theatre usher during high school, which is still my favorite job to date. I got paid to watch movies all day and all the free popcorn I could stand. Mmm, popcorn.

— Marc Robinson

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© 2005 by Marc Robinson & MLMUG
Posted 11/27/05
Updated 11/29/05