MLMUG Member of the Month, by Gail
An Occasional Look at the Person Behind the Member

By Gail Montgomery,
MLMUG Social Secretary

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Our Members-of-the-Month for October 2005 are David and Elizabeth (aka Lib) Heath. Not only does the MLMUG enjoy a host of interesting members, but we also have several "Mac couples" who attend our meetings and function as a duo. David and Elizabeth are one such couple, and I'm always glad to see their smiling faces at our monthly meetings. Please take a few minutes to read about this awesome pair!

— Gail Montgomery

David and Lib Heath

We began using a Mac Plus in 1986. Our son, a student at Cornell, was at home and ready to set us up. In 1989 we bought a color computer — and then we took off — Lib in graphics and David in medical surfing.

We now have a G4 and a laptop G3. We do a lot of e-mailing to our scattered four children and to some of our eleven grandchildren, as well as to friends and relatives in England and Germany. We depend on the computer for all our newspaper reading, and Google more than several times a day. We use the computer for planning travel, book reviews, endless account maintenance with Quicken, and many more uses. Our computer room with scanner, printer, microphones, and 2 Macs is the heartbeat of our home.

Our grandchildren, as far away as California, have e-mailed for help with their homework. All our children have digital cameras and keep us supplied with pictures, and news of the latest hobby — horseback riding in one case. When our granddaughter was in a Montessori School in Asheville, N.C., we could see her in class every few minutes on a web cam that the school provided!

We are getting into our middle eighties and have occasional lapses of memory — Google comes to the rescue when we just put in a fragment and Google can remember the rest.

On a personal note, we just celebrated our 60th wedding anniversary. We met in college during World War II — Harvard/Wellesley. After David spent a year and a half with the American Field Service as an ambulance driver in the China/India/Burma theater, we were married. He went overseas again — this time to France with The British Friends Ambulance Unit. Lib stayed behind, working for the American Red Cross. Much happened after that. David trained as a family physician and practiced in a small town in Michigan before settling back in his home territory, the Philadelphia area. Lib worked as a medical social worker during med school days and later after the youngest of our four was a teenager.

David has been retired for 12 years and what good years we have had with travels and family.

Must end on this note: We are in awe of the computer "savvy" among MLMUG members and guest speakers.

— David and Lib Heath

Click here to view ALL Members of the Month.

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© 2004 by David and Lib Heath & MLMUG
Posted 09/24/05
Updated 09/27/05