MLMUG Member of the Month
An Occasional Look at the Person Behind the Member

By Maria O. Arguello,
MLMUG Member-at-Large
& Occasional Ace Reporter

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Elaine Packer has been a member of MLMUG since February 1997. She seldom misses meetings and supports almost every MLMUG activity. When I was new to MLMUG, Elaine was one of the first to extend her friendship. I knew from her warm smile that I'd found a group of people who were helpful, genuine and friendly. Maybe Elaine will help Cindy Comeau with future sewing projects for us.

— Maria O. Arguello

Elaine Packer
Elaine Packer

Hello, my name is Elaine. I grew up, and still live, in Broomall, PA. I am the youngest of three siblings. Single; still haven't met Mr. Right, if he even exists. I am in my second career as a graphic artist. While in high school I entertained two career paths: physical therapist or fashion designer; I loved sewing, having sewn since I was a kid and taking classes since 7th grade. I also enjoyed science until I took Physics in my senior year, where a poor teacher spoiled any interest I might have had in science. In the long run, creativity won out; my future avocations had to be fun and include creativity.

My first college degree was in Fashion Design from Drexel. I then started on another degree in Textile Design, at Philadelphia University (PCT&S). While taking classes and creating designs on computers, I realized I liked working on computers. The textile industry was changing and most of the jobs were going overseas, so I stopped pursuing Textile Design, but did spend 10 years in the field, as a specification writer and pattern maker for children's wear, using Gerber computer systems to make patterns.

My second degree was in Graphic Arts, from Delaware County Community College (DCCC). Graphic Arts allows me to both be creative and use computers. I would have preferred to get a Masters degree in Graphic Arts, but none were offered at the time. It took me seven years to complete my second degree. I worked and went to school at the same time. I purchased my first Mac, a 6115CD, in 1995 while going to DCCC. My sister has it now, at school for her students. It was her first Mac, too. She has purchased 3 Mac computers since then.

I love sewing, both professionally and as a hobby. I like sewing clothing and creating stuffed animals (cats, dogs and bears) for gifts. Another creative hobby I've found fascinating is soap making, but I had to stop that craft because of the space needed to cure the soap. Someday I will get back to it. Another creativity craft I love is pottery; I started in 1998 after taking a class at the Main Line Art Center. I got my 2nd Mac in 1998, a beige desktop G3.

I also I tried candle making, using the gel method, not wax. I made candles out of gift Christmas mugs I couldn't use because I am Jewish. But the gel smelled terrible so I stopped that method. I now make candles using a candle wax that looks like sand; no melting necessary.

While between jobs, I was a nanny for my brother's son. It seemed every time I left his place, I'd get an upper respiratory infection. I worked at A.C. Moore and the same thing happened, so in 1995 I consulted an allergist and found out I have allergies. Nothing serious; just enough to be annoying. I am allergic to mold and certain foods. I became a vegetarian in the late 1990's, due to my allergies, bad experiences with meat, and high school biology with chickens. Since high school, I've not been a big fan of eating chicken. No, I do not miss meat. At times I do miss ice cream and really good cheese. I belong to Club Veg, which is a vegetarian organization. I joined to meet others, exchange recipes and to learn more about vegetarianism. I have learned a lot and have made new friends.

From 1997 to present I have been a Graphic Designer. In February 2002 I purchased a G3 Pismo 500. Love it. In September 2002, I lost my job, due to downsizing. I am currently working for temp agencies as a Graphic Designer until I can find a permanent gig, either full or part time. Still doing pottery, which I am trying to spawn into a side business, while working as a graphic artist.

— Elaine Packer

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© 2003 by Maria O. Arguello, Elaine Packer, Moe Comeau, & MLMUG
Posted 10/26/03
Updated - 03/01/05