MLMUG Member of the Month, by Gail
An Occasional Look at the Person Behind the Member

By Gail Montgomery,
MLMUG Social Secretary

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David Berg

David Berg is our Member-of-the-Month for June 2005. You'll see him at just about every MLMUG meeting, as he is co-leader of our Intermediate/Advanced SIG....but if you really want to know what makes David tick, check out his interesting biography. Enjoy!

— Gail Montgomery

David Berg is full professor of Psychology at Community College Of Philadelphia where he was the 1995 recipient of the Lindback Foundation Award for excellence in college teaching; he also served as past chair of the Behavioral Sciences Department. He received his Ph.D. in Psychology from Temple University in the field of Experimental Psychology and completed post-doctoral training in the field of family, couples and sex therapy at Hahnemann Medical College. He has a private practice in center city and Chestnut Hill sections of Philadelphia specializing in psychotherapy for individuals, couples, and families, and offers sex therapy for individuals and couples. He has pioneered workshops focusing upon "wellness in the workplace" and presents these to government, business, and educational institutions. Workshops on Stress Management, Burnout, and Coping On The Job are his specialty. He is a firm believer that we are responsible for feeling good within ourselves and that we don't need to feel miserable unless we so desire. He has studied numerous techniques to combat unhappiness and stress in our daily lives, jobs, and relationships. He is a member of the American Psychological Association, Family Institute Of Philadelphia, and the Pennsylvania Psychological Association.

Since the advent of desktop computers, he has acted on a consulting basis to academic teaching faculty to bring them up to the cutting edge in using technology in the classroom. He views and uses technology as a means to heighten the standards of critical thinking and writing in teaching rather than as a mere adjunct to lecturing. He also serves as a resource to those who teach in institutions on a "shoestring budget" like his own. He has been a frequent presenter/participant at NITOP (National Institute of Teaching Of Psychology) conferences on uses of technology in the classroom. Of course, it is all about the Mac and nothing but the Mac.

Narcissistic, shallow, vapid, egocentric, insensitive and annoying are a few adjectives that his friends, family, and colleagues would use to describe him. A love of science, science fiction, Sherlock Holmes stories, and bad movies comprise his knowledge of the arts and sciences. (Did I leave out all things Python and Trek?) If there is a book, movie, comedian that is rude/crude/lewd (even like Howard Stern), David would probably know it; pity his poor wife. Speaking of his wife, he has been married to Edna for about 20 years and has a daughter, Alex, who has graduated from Central High School (class #264) and is going to Cornell; this will necessitate a move to the poor house. David grew up in South Philly and was raised on cheese steaks, soft pretzels, water ice, and Mummers.

Regarding Computers: His basement looks like a flea market at the computer museum, and he has had just about every Apple computer model since the II+. In fact, when his friends and colleagues are looking to dump theirs, they give them to David; this does not endear them to his wife. The cables in the boxes look like gray spaghetti and tangled like the mythological Gordian Knot. Does this sound familiar? If his friends and colleagues are having Mac troubles, they call David. When he succeeds in troubleshooting and getting the problem solved, they laud him. When he can't solve the problem, they thank him anyway; of course he doesn't tell them that he screwed it up worse than before. And don't forget that he loves gadgets, gizmos, and as a child had every Gilbert science set imaginable.

He is a charter member of the Philadelphia Powerbook Users' Group (PPUG). David thinks that MLMUG is "da bomb". He has not found so many like-minded people to mingle with in many years; this should not necessarily be thought of as a compliment to any of you, according to wife Edna. He has been attending MacWorld since the second year of its inception and probably has been to more Mac meetings over the years than to synagogue; the rabbi is a Windoze user.

David's Psychology Practice recommends the following books to all of his clients:

For anxiety, depression, and whatever ails you — the best self-help book of all time: Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy, by Burns

For singles who can't hold onto a relationship: Keeping The Love You Find, by Hendrix

For couples/marriage problems: Love Is Never Enough, by Beck Getting The Love You Want, by Hendrix

For sexuality issues:

  • (MEN) The New Male Sexuality, by Zilbergeld
  • (Women) For Yourself, by Barback
  • Guilt Without Sex (not real — just checking to see if you read this far.)

David's favorite expressions which he coined are:

Regarding work place situations:

Regarding those who insist on trying to continually give advice to clients, students, relatives, and adolescents who will never take it:

  • "Just surrender, don't even bother to try to lead this horse to water!"

And his all time favorite expression to live by (author unknown):


— David Berg

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© 2005 by David Berg & MLMUG
Posted 05/31/05
Updated xx/xx/05