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A Book Review
by Samuel Leidy

Panther Pocket Title: Mac OS X Panther 10.3: Visual QuickStart Guide





Maria Langer, with Chapter 17 'UNIX Basics for Mac OS X' written by Ron Hipschman
Peachpit Press
Book, 646 Pages, no CD /DVD.
New Macintosh purchaser and/or a Macintosh user installing MacOS X for the first time.


A thorough publication explaining in simple and precise terms what Mac OS X 10.3 has to offer and how to use the included features, applications, and utilities.

Mac OS X, now at Version 10.3, has evolved considerably since the 10.0 release of 24 March 2001. With each major release [10.0 > 10.1, 10.1 > 10.2, 10.2 > 10.3] slight and considerable changes have been introduced; some deep within the Operating System and oblivious to the users - yet vital for overall operation, improvement, and/or security, while others included the addition and/or removal of features, applications, and system preferences.

Peachpit Press' Mac OS X Panther 10.3: Visual Quickstart Guide is what one may consider the Users Manual that was missing from the Macintosh's shipping box. Even before Chapter 1 the reader is provided with exactly what new features Mac OS X 10.3 provides, with respect to previous Mac OS X releases.

The book starts with how to install Mac OS X 10.3 for those with Macs which may be capable of running Mac OS X, those upgrading from an earlier Mac OS X Version, or those in need of reinstalling the Operating System, in Chapter 1. First time Mac purchasers will have Mac OS X 10.3, or a later minor release, already installed and may want to refer back to this chapter when upgrading their Operating System at a later time.

Chapters 2 through 16 [Finder Basics, File Management, Advanced Finder Techniques, Application Basics, Using Mac OS X Applications, Using TextEdit, Using Mac OS X i-Applications, Fonts, Printing & Faxing, Connecting to the Internet, .Mac, Using Sherlock, Networking, Multiple Users & Security, and The Classic Environment] and Chapters 18 through 20 [System Preferences, Mac OS Utilities, and Getting Help] covers Mac OS X 10.3 in an easy to read and comprehensive format.

When explaining a Mac OS X feature, application or system preference the reader is instructed where it is located, how to run [launch] it, various ways to use it, and finally - how to quit it. Helpful 'Tips' are included throughout the book. Even with 646 Pages, some subjects such as 'iMovie' and 'iPhoto' cannot be covered in complete detail, and one may have to consider a separate publication dedicated to that particular Macintosh application. However, the Information provided in Mac OS X Panther 10.3 is quite extensive and more than just a brief introduction to the subject.

Chapter 17, "UNIX Basics for Mac OS X" introduces one to UNIX, a sampling of its commands, and how to enter the commands and interpret their returned results. Like the book Mac OS X Panther 10.3 itself, this chapter cannot explain all of UNIX, or its commands, within its allocated thirty pages. For further reading of UNIX or UNIX for the Mac one may consider UNIX: Visual QuickStart Guide by Eric and Deborah Ray or UNIX for Mac OS X: Visual QuickPro Guide by Matisse Exzer — both by Peachpit Press.

Many should find the concluding four pages, Appendix A, of Menu and Keyboard Equivalents for Finder quite helpful.

Those new to the Macintosh, as well as experienced Mac users, will benefit from the valuable material presented in this publication.

Samuel Leidy

Reviewer: Samuel Leidy

With respect to what of and how Mac OS X 10.3 is covered by this book, I cannot find any weaknesses. Naturally, I would like to see this and that, and perhaps mention of other MacOS X issues; but, the book is specifically intended to show what one receives with MacOS X 10.3, where to locate them, and how to run, use, and quit them. From that perspective, Mac OS X Panther 10.3: Visual QuickStart Guide should meet or exceed anyone's expectations.

— Samuel Leidy
MLMUG Reviewer

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© 2004 by Samuel Leidy & MLMUG
Posted 03/29/04
Updated 09/15/04