MDv9 Activities


We Chatted.

Ted Jax bends the ear of
Bob Leonetti, between sips.




We Ate.

Caught mid-munch are Sherry Freidel
and Mike Depsky. Gene Coggins lurks
in the background.




We Kritter-shot.

Bob Barton, armed with
his trusty PowerBook,
snaps away at the crowd.




We Hand-Calculated.

Chris Nye, Chef Extraordinaire,
tries to figure, once and for all,
if Pi R square.




We Laughed.

Special Guest Frank Burgos
cracks wise during a
jovial moment in his talk.




We Had a Piñata!

Of course!




And We Had a Piñata Guard!

Linda McNeil protects BillyBull
from a full frontal attack
by Dave Marra.



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