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Software Review
by Stan Horwitz

UniSudoku Product: UniSudoku 1.4

URL: http://www.unisudoku.com

Price: $15.00 shareware
Test systems:
    PowerBook G4
    MacBook Pro

Rating: 5 out of 5 Apples

UniSudoku is a fun computer game based on the Sudoku paper and pencil puzzle game. Sudoku puzzles appear in newspapers around the world. Unlike crossword puzzles, a strong vocabulary is not required to play UniSudoku.

UniSudoku is a great version of Sudoku. Information about Sudoku is on Wikipedia at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudoku . Sudoku uses numbers, but mathematical skill is not needed.

UniSudoku places numbers in its squares, at the start of the game and offers hints in each square. The hints can be hidden if you want. I like to see them.

I first played UniSudoku, on a Friday night. I ended up playing it until 2:00 AM! I enjoy playing UniSudoku because each game has a solution and it is a fun way to exercise one's mind. I am a big fan of exercise for the mind and body.

UniSudoku has several nice features and four levels of difficulty. Each game is timed. You play until all the boxes are filled in correctly. When a game is over, a box pops up to congratulate you. You can try solving a UniSudoku board as many times as you like.

The first board I played took me 85 minutes to finish! Now, my average time to a solution is much faster! Game boards can also be saved for later use. You can also enter Sudoku boards from newspapers. Plus, you can also print game boards to play without your Mac.

The diagram above represents a typical UniSudoku board. This board has already been completed. The blocks are designated by the black lines. The difficulty of a game iscontrolled by the number of squares that are filled in when the game starts. There are a variety of strategies one can use to solve Sudoku puzzles. See the wikipedia entry for information on different strategies.

I am also impressed that Dave Ross, who wrote UniSudoku is receptive to ideas I had about how to improve this game. For only $15, you can�t go wrong! Dave would like to hear from anyone who has an idea for a game he might develop for Mac users.

You can contact Dave if you have any ideas for him to pursue. His contact information is on his web site at www.unisudoku.com.


Reviewer: Stan Horwitz

Stan Horwitz is a long-time Mac user and computer technologist. Stan uses his Macs for everything from personal taxes, banking, and investment management to interactive messaging, digital photography, music, and keeping in touch with distant friends and family.

Stan works for Temple University's Enterprise Systems Group where he is responsible for planning and implementing disaster recovery procedures, electronic mail list management, research computation, and technology planning for the University.

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© 2006 by Stan Horwitz & MLMUG
Posted 05/26/06
Updated xx/x//06