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A Training Package Review
by Mark Corchin
Review published: December 2005

DotMac Cover Title: Total Training for Mac OS X

Company: Total Training
Running Time: Approximately 4:30

Price: $39.99

Experience Level: None
Minimum Requirements: OS 9 or OS X With QuickTime 5

Warranty: None

Reviewer Rating: 5 of 5 Apples

Guest host Galen Fott walks you through a complete introduction to the OS X operating system. This video training disk is in QuickTime format and is cut in both OS 9 and OS X flavors. There are nine well-organized Lessons, that range from the very basic "Hard Drive Preparation, Installation and Registration" to "Print Center, Fonts and Networking."

Each lesson is about 30 minutes long. You can pause, fast forward and rewind from the very nice interface screen. If perchance you miss a point because one of your children has wandered in the room and demanded money for food or entertainment, you can rewind the lesson to the point of your prior undiminished disposable income and recover your karma.

The graphics and audio are excellent, the organization of each lesson plan logical, and Mr. Fott's narration is pleasing and clear. There is "bonus" material on the disk for "lucky" Lesson 7. In this section Galen takes a little trip to all the included applications: Mail, Disc Copy, Grab, and the Utility applications, which can be really helpful in monitoring, calibrating and maintaining the overall health of your operating system.

There is one reason not to watch Total Training for Mac OS X and three reasons to be certain to view the tutorial. The one reason not to watch is because you have purchased a Windows PC and joined a traveling carnival troupe shilling for the half man-half woman fortune teller. On the plus side if you have not yet converted to OS X, then watch it to see what you are missing, and to smooth your transition. Second, if you are already an OS X user then watch to learn about the myriad of settings, options and applications which lie just beneath the Aqua interface. Finally, the "price is right" to MLMUG members, as it resides in the inventory of our Video Lending Library. Just send an email to your intrepid reviewer cum librarian, and it will be whisked to your door in time for the holidays!

Deivy Petrescu

Reviewer: Mark Corchin, Intrepid Book Reviewer

[No bio provided, but Mark was MLMUG's Member of the Month in February 2002. Read that bio here.]

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© 2004 by Mark Corchin & MLMUG
Posted 12/24/04
Updated xx/xx/04