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Training Software Review
by Maria O. Arguello


Product: Total Training for Adobe Photoshop CS
Running Time: 24 Hours; 7 DVD's
Company: Total Training.com.
Price: $299 (UG Pricing 25% off till October 31, 2004)
System Requirements: DVD Player
Experience Level: Beginner through Advanced
Warranty: Money-Back Guarantee
Reviewer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Apples
Date: August, 2004

I have been a user of the Total Training series for Adobe Photoshop since version 6. Deke McClelland has proved to be an outstanding teacher with his very entertaining and informative lessons. Every Adobe Photoshop user, whatever is their level of experience or expertise, can get huge benefits from this series. The lessons are very carefully scripted and they include every possible feature of Photoshop CS. Each new version of Photoshop is always full of new features, which can take years to master unless you have and use the Total Training series to help you learn faster. The bonus DVD is full of tips and tricks and more advanced techniques.

I found the lesson on Camera RAW particularly interesting. Deke used the image of a peacock to illustrate how photos taken in camera RAW could be corrected with Photoshop CS. The peacock was a perfect choice due to its colorful plumage. He opened a camera RAW file and used the camera RAW dialog box to enhance the plumage colors using the advanced "Calibration" tab that allows you to fine tune the hue and saturation of the individual color channels, without affecting the others. The "Adjust" tab of the RAW dialog Box has also exposure, brightness, and contrast sliders. Once he finished with the adjustments, he opened a JPEG photo of the peacock to compare the two images. The RAW photo that was corrected appears more colorful than the JPEG due to Photoshop's ability to perform more editing tasks on 16-bit-per-channel files, as well as up to 56 channels per photo. He explains how the JPEG image can also be color corrected using Levels and Hue/Saturation but working with the complete image file gives better results. It's like working with a "negative."

Not having had any personal experience with camera RAW, I would have liked Deke to explain, how to bring a camera RAW photo from the camera into Photoshop. In Total Training the photo is already in a file. But how does one get it into Photoshop? I decided to try it on my own and found out that I had an older version of the RAW plug-in, not compatible with my camera. As soon as I updated the plug-in I could open a RAW image. My digital camera Sony DSC-828 is one of the cameras supported by the Photoshop CS Camera RAW plug-in.

Match color is a new feature in Photoshop CS, which instantly matches the color balance of one image to another. Deke chose photos of two skulls. He wanted to apply the correct color balance of the first image to the second image. He selected the first image as the source in the Color Match dialog box and the second as the target. Once he corrected the photo, he made some minor adjustments until he was satisfied. Deke advises that if you don't like your results; start over because Match Color can't be applied as a nondestructive adjustment layers

To illustrate color correction, Deke chose a photo of his two sons, which was too yellow. The challenge becomes correcting colors inside an image with minimum damage; something that can't be accomplished with Match Color and Shadow/Highlight. The secret lies in choosing Image>Adjustments>Variations. In variations you can add more blue or yellow to correct the photo. You can also adjust the intensity and the opacity until you are satisfied. The end result was a great photo of his sons from an image that was too yellow.

Adobe Photoshop CS is the latest version of this powerful digital image editing software package. It works seamlessly with the rest of Adobe's "Creative Suite" programs and is very rich in new features, including:

  • an improved File Browser,
  • an intelligent Histogram Palette,
  • Shadow and Highlight Corrections,
  • multi-image color matching, and
  • editable text on paths and in shapes.

One of the best ways to take advantage of it all is by viewing and working with the highly entertaining, unforgettable, and enjoyable series presented by the one and only Deke McClelland. He is a true Photoshop expert and renowned author of such titles as The Photoshop Bible and Photoshop for Dummies. You learn all about editing photos, removing red-eye, and developing professional-level image editing and design skills from the best and with confidence.

The index for each DVD allows you to pick and choose any specific lesson, so you don�t have to take them in sequence. An hour a day with Total Training for Photoshop CS will make you a proficient user of the premier—the best and most powerful digital image editing software package from Adobe

Don't walk, but run to purchase this valuable series if you are an Adobe Photoshop CS user. I give it 4.5 out 5 Apples

Maria O. Arguello

Reviewer: Maria O. Arguello

Maria O. Arguello has been a Pennsylvania resident since 1970. She is a native of Nicaragua but became an American citizen in 1964. She received her Bachelor of Science degree from Loyola University of New Orleans and her Master of Science degree from West Chester University in Pennsylvania. Since retiring from the Philadelphia School System as a science teacher and science department head, her newfound time has allowed her to become more involved with her Mac and the User Group Community. Maria is president and vendor liaison of the Main Line Macintosh Users Group (MLMUG), where she has also served as member-at-large and as special events coordinator. She is an active member of several MUGs, including the Macintosh User Group of Southern New Jersey (MUGSNJ); Princeton Macintosh User Group (PMUG), where she serves as a board member; South Jersey Apple User Group (SJAUG); the Macintosh Business Users Society (MacBUS), where she served as secretary for a year; and Macs @ PACS. She is a member of the Apple Consultants Network and the Apple Regional Liaison. Maria enjoys learning about the diversity of the user group community and loves to attend conferences for the Mac to represent her home group, MLMUG.

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© 2004 by Maria O. Arguello & MLMUG
Posted 08/24/04
Updated 08/24/04