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"Hardware" Review
by Maria O. Arguello

InviSH Product:
iPod Scratch Removal Kit
Applesauce polish www.applesaucepolish.com

Price: $19.95 US (includes free shipping)

Test System: 60GB iPod with video

Rating: 4 out of 5 apples

What do you do to the scratches gathered by your shiny new iPod? You want to keep it looking new but it's showing its age. Applesauce polish has the answer with the iPod Scratch Removal Kit. I used it on my new 60GB iPod with video before applying the invisibleSHIELD (reviewed separately). It was hard to believe that with only a couple of weeks' use, I already had slight scratches on the back and one on the screen. I also have a two-year-old iPod with lots of scratches. I used the Scratch Removal Kit on both. It does a good job with superficial scratches although some will be too deep to remove entirely.

The kit comes with a one-ounce bottle of microfinishing polish, one ounce of microfinishing glaze, and three 6" x 8" polishing cloths.

The instructions were easy to follow. However there's a typo in the instructions that made me take note and be extra careful with which bottle was to be applied first. The bottles are coded red and blue. The instructions say to apply a single drop of microfinishing polish (blue bottle) when it should say (red bottle) and for the second step, it says to apply a single drop of microfinishing glaze (red bottle) when it should say (blue bottle). Update: The typo has been corrected by the vendor.

My iPod with video was new and had very light scratches. All were removed using the scratch removal kit. I had to make sure that any film left behind from the polish was removed by using a slightly soapy damp cloth all over the iPod. I was not successful removing all the scratches from my older iPod but it did a good job removing the lighter scratches giving it a better look.

It is always refreshing to use a product that works. If you have an old iPod or a new one, this product will do a good job eliminating superficial scratches.

Maria O. Arguello

Maria O. Arguello

Maria O. Arguello is president and vendor liaison of the Main Line Macintosh Users Group (MLMUG). She is the Apple User Group Regional Liaison for the Northeast United States, as well as the Liaison for online groups.

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© 2005 by Maria O. Arguello & MLMUG
Posted 12/10/05
Updated 12/13//05