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Software Review
by Christopher Hummel

Product: Script Debugger 4.0.5

Company: Late Night Software
Website: www.latenightsw.com

Price: $199; Upgrade from V3.0: $99

Level: Moderate
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Stars

Automation is so much a part of the computing mythos that there are even products eponymously so named. Human nature seems so constituted as to desire some "genie" — magical or mechanical — which can accomplish repetitive and sometimes onerous tasks without human intervention or supervision. Enter: Applescript, Applescript Studio, Perl, Ruby, X-Code, Java Script, [insert your favorite programming language here] — well, you get the picture.

Installation went without a hitch. This reviewer faithfully executed the repair permissions mumbo-jumbo before installing, of course, just to maintain a clear conscience. The application, complete with improved error-catching and updated dictionary reading- and exploring-capabilities, was a welcome addition to my scripting arsenal. This product is available as a download from the aforementioned site. And online support as well as software-based Help files are available.

Script Debugger allows concurrent script execution, meaning that more than one script at a time can be run and debugged, which makes the job of debugging complex scripts a little closer to being child's play.

The Dictionary function has been simplified and uses the new sdef format (XML-based for Cocoa apps. which "...represent(s) within a single file all of the information in both a .scriptSuite file and a .scriptTerminology file...." (Matt Neuberg, Applescript: The Definitive Guide)). It is a file format, which allows for developers to include expanded documentation and sample code; substantial improvements over the old aete (Apple Event Terminology Extension) format — although it still reads all dictionaries written in aete. In Explorer mode, drag something from the Explorer window onto your script and 4.0.5 will reference the object under scrutiny. Moreover, these tools as well as others listed here of a relational nature facilitate coding exponentially.

The "break-on-exception" option allows the scripter to avoid having to wait until the whole script is run to find and fix errors — although there are various scripting methods of error-trapping. In addition, one can set start- and stop-points anywhere in the script: running one line, several commands or anything within the script — even jumping over a command or three for complete command of the coding and debugging process.

Modern File Formats Script Debugger supports these formats:

  • Compiled Script (Data Fork)
  • Compiled Script (Bundle)
  • Compiled Script (Resource Fork)
  • Application (Carbon)
  • Application (Bundle)
  • Application (Classic)

By comparison, Apple's Script Editor offers only four formats (besides Text, of course):

  • Script
  • Application
  • Script Bundle
  • Application Bundle

There is an Event Log, and a Result Window to complete the list of debug tools.


  • When employing Script Debugger language rather than Applescript, the script can be run from, or started and stopped at any point. In addition, Script Debugger 4.0.5 identifies which lines of code are working and which aren't.
  • It has a "Comment" function which is available whenever text is highlighted. This function enables the scripter to tell Applescript not to run the selected code, which helps in debugging. There is also an "Uncomment" command to restore a selected phrase to active duty.
  • The ability to code in languages other than Applescript.
  • There is an HTML view option for opening dictionaries — with hyperlinks.
  • An execution clock is provided to gauge the rate of progress of your scripts.


    Script Debugger 4.0.5 quits unexpectedly whenever it is told to save a script in Carbon application format.

NOTE: The above issue has been reported to Late Night Software in the form of two Bug Reports and one Crash Report and is currently pending resolution. The developer has also provided a maintenance release version 4.0.6b3 (SD4.0.6b3). Please consult Late Night Software's website or "Mark�s Blog" there for future updates on this seeming anomaly in what is otherwise a near-perfect application.

What I'd Like To See:
The implementation of more keyboard shortcuts. I'm especially keyboard-centric, and having to touch the mouse for anything tends to get my hackles up.

Late Night Software's script Debugger is an excellent program for those of us who write and endlessly edit scripts. Countless hours of tedium can be saved by using this feature-rich application. Late Night Software has further improved an otherwise commendable application for seasoned AppleScripters as well as novices. Any coder who seeks an amenable work environment in which to create marvels of automation need look no further than Script Debugger 4.0.5.

Thanks to: Maria Arguello and the staff at MLMUG. And of course, special thanks to my Mom for her patience and support.

Christopher Hummel

Christopher Hummel

Christopher Hummel is a Pianist, Poet, and Organist living on the Main Line. His interests include: Biking, Computers, Literature, Photography and Videos.

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© 2007 by Christopher Hummel
Posted 2/21/07
Updated 4/26/07