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"Hardware" Review
by Maria O. Arguello

MSheild Product:
MicroShield for iPod with video


$24.95 US

4 out of 5 apples

The MicroShield for the iPod with video is one of XtremeMac's most popular products. It is a clear case that protects your iPod from scratches without hiding the beauty of your iPod. There is easy access to the dock connector and the headphone jack. There are two pieces, a front and a back that snap together easily. The MicroShield comes with one front panel and two back panels, one with and one without a belt clip. If you choose to use the clip, the panel can be snapped on either way, giving you the option of facing the earphone jack either up or down for easy access. It comes with an optional play-through Click Wheel protector which I did not use.

The plastic has a very nice feel. I like things that look and feel well-made. It is smooth and has an excellent weight, making it look more expensive than it is. Once the iPod is placed in the MicroShield, it feels very secure and is quite beautiful. The design is very elegant.

My only complaint is that the plastic is so thick that it forces me to use my nails rather than my fingertips to manage the click wheel. But the InvisibleSHIELD that I had applied to my iPod with video did not interfere with the click wheel. You cannot use the iPod dock for recharging (or anything else for that matter) while the MicroShield is on the iPod. The MicroShield was released in a timely fashion for the new iPod family member before scratching could mar its beauty.

Maria O. Arguello

Maria O. Arguello

Maria O. Arguello is president and vendor liaison of the Main Line Macintosh Users Group (MLMUG). She is the Apple User Group Regional Liaison for the Northeast United States, as well as the Liaison for online groups.

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© 2005 by Maria O. Arguello & MLMUG
Posted 01/22/06
Updated 01/23//06