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A Software Package Review
by Maria O. Arguello
Review Date: October 2005


Product: Intellihance Pro 4
Company: onOne.
Price: $149.95

System Requirements:
* Adobe Photoshop CS or CS2
* Apple Macintosh G4, G5 or higher
* Mac OS X, 10.3 or higher
* 128 MB RAM
* 8 MB of available hard-disk space

Test System: 1.5 GHz PowerPC G4, 2 GB DDR SDRAM with Photoshop CS2

Reviewer's Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Apples

Intellihance Pro 4 is a powerful plug-in for Photoshop that enhances your images to look their best. It is easy to use, the easiest plug-in I have used for quick image enhancement. It automates tasks like color correction, sharpening, contrast, dust and scratches removal, saturation, brightness, contrast, and more. Additional features include Fine Tune Mode, Power Variations Mode, Image Grid and Actions and Batch Processing.

The installation was quick and easy. Within minutes I was up and running enhancing my images. The Intellihance Pro User Guide is very clear and easy to follow. The Quick Reference Card provides a complete listing of keyboard shortcuts.

You have total control of the enhancement in the host application such as Photoshop. Intellihance Pro 4 has presets that can be adjusted at will and viewed side by side after applying the effects of different adjustments or you can preview up to twenty-five settings combinations at once in the fully customizable preview window thus giving you single view or repeating image views.

I fixed an image I had taken of the Philadelphia Art Museum at night. My original image needed color adjustment and saturation. In the blink of an eye, I had the image looking great. It was so simple and fast.

One of my complaints about Photoshop plug-ins has been that it takes as long to learn to use them as it does to learn to use Photoshop. Therefore, I seldom sought the help of plug-ins until now. I am impressed with the versatility of Intellihance Pro 4. It is so powerful and easy to use that I wondered if the developers had been Apple programmers because they definitely capture the user-friendly quality that distinguishes the Macintosh.

I was curious about the change of the company for this plug-in from Extensis to onOne. Apparently onOne Software acquired several Photoshop plug-ins and QuarkXPress XTensions from Extensis, Inc. and Lizard Tech and re launched them under the onOne Software brand on July 2005. onOne is committed to continue developing software for professional photographers, graphic designers, web publishers and the pre-press/publishing markets. The plug-in is pricey but worth it.

Maria O. Arguello

Reviewer: Maria O. Arguello

Maria O. Arguello is a native of Nicaragua and a naturalized American citizen. She received her Bachelor of Science degree from Loyola University of New Orleans and her Master of Science degree from West Chester University in Pennsylvania. Since retiring from the Philadelphia School System as a science teacher and science department head, her newfound time has allowed her to become more involved with her Mac and the User Group Community. Maria is president and vendor liaison of the Main Line Macintosh Users Group (MLMUG), where she has also served as member-at-large and as special events coordinator. She is the Apple Regional Liaison for the Northeast United States, as well as the Liaison for online groups.

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© 2005 by Maria O. Arguello & MLMUG
Posted 09/20/05
Updated xx/xx/05