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Training Package Review
by Linda McNeil


Product: Getting Started with InDesign
Featuring Terry White

Company/Producer�s name: National Association of Photoshop Users (KW Computer Training) , January 2005.

ISBN: 0-321-34868-0

Price $39.99 (NAPP members get a discount)

Online address: www.photoshopvideos.com.

Subject(s): Desktop Applications (Page layout Programs)

Interest Level: Mainly business users; however, anyone interested in a page layout program will benefit from the DVD

Hardware requirements: Stand alone DVD player or a computer with a drive capable of playing a DVD disc. Running time approx 90 minutes.

Description of program or book:
This is a tutorial that delivers Adobe�s latest �killer app� to beginners and those interested in refining their skills. If you want to learn InDesign from the ground up, then this is the DVD for you! It includes:
  • Setting up computer interface to take advantage of InDesign CS�s floating palettes
  • How to basics for setting up and creating documents and creating layouts
  • How to import and work with graphics
  • The basics of creating, editing and formatting type
  • How to use the Story Editor and applying style sheets
  • Utilizing the power of InDesign's typography features and controls
  • Working with layers from the basics to the more advanced features
  • Setting yourself up for success for final output

The greatest strength is the presentation skill and knowledge of Terry White. He is a columnist for Layers Magazine (formerly Mac Design) and co-author of InDesign Killer Tips. He is also founder and president of MacGroup-Detroit. He leads Adobe�s resource team of applications engineers that zero in on unifying professional publishing; Web authoring, and digital video. Terry makes you realize that integration of the print, virtual, and digital world is easy to accomplish as well as a must for success.

Weakness & Limitations:
The only imperfect part of the DVD was the slightly fuzzy screen shots. I�m told this is a problem that will occur when you capture computer screens on video.

For many years, at conferences, I have seen Terry White present Adobe�s latest and �coolest� tips and tricks only to go home and rack my brains wondering, �How did he do it?� Having this DVD allows the viewer to have access to the knowledge and tricks that Terry uses to produce those elegant documents every professional would love to have for their business. If you need to get up to speed or just want a quick update, this fun self-paced DVD by an expert InDesign professional is a great investment of your time.


Ease of installation: Excellent
Ease of use:(reading): Excellent
Documentation: none needed
Product support: website listed
Packaging: Good
Index: Table of Contents on DVD
Graphics: Good
Sound: Good
QuickTime usage:Excellent
Color: Good
Overall rating: Excellent


Linda McNeil is a Pa. media specialist. She teaches several online and classroom courses to adults/teachers for the PA Dept. of Education.

She is president of the Chester County chapter of the National League of American Pen Women. She is a member of several usergroups: MACS@PACS (co-president), MACBUS (Philadelphia), and MLMUG (Educational SIG ).

Linda is also a professional artist and she maintains her own website (www.brushcolor.com).

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© 2005 by Linda McNeil & MLMUG
Posted 06/27/05
Updated xx/xx/05