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Training Package Review
by Linda McNeil
Date Reviewed: November 2005


Product: Digital Photography and Adobe Photoshop Elements 3
With Brian Maffitt

Company: Total Training www.totaltraining.com

Runtime: 2 hours 40 minutes

Price $49.00

Interest Level: Mainly novice users; however, anyone
interested in photography will benefit from this DVD-ROM.

System Requirement: DVD ROM

Reviewer Rating: 3 out of 5 Apples

Description: This training video provides all of the essentials of shooting, editing, and printing photos. It is accompanied by step-by-step instructions as well as the basic fundamentals of digital photography, emphasizing the greater potential of digital photographs. For a more detailed listing see the accompanying outline.

Narrator: Brian Maffit is a motion graphics and photography expert. He takes us through the world of digital photography and the fundamentals of Adobe Photoshop Elements 3 (PSE3) so that viewers can expand their knowledge of shooting, editing, printing, and sharing photos.

Viewing: It is highly recommended for the viewer to have accessibility to a digital camera, printer, and access to the web.

Strengths: The DVD provides a good lesson guide that is to help you plan ahead your viewing times. The DVD is organized so that the viewer can readily navigate to the particular section of interest. In this way the viewer can revisit an area of concern. This simple feature puts the viewer into a learning mode, which will enable him/her to absorb more information.

Brian Maffitt does a commendable job of presenting and enthusing the audience. Viewers will come away from his segment on digital photography with a fundamental understanding of the concepts. His explanations of the PSE3 tools and techniques are well thought out and well paced. It was a shame that the screens did not help Macintosh users. (The DVD is for Windows only)

The digital photography section of the DVD was the most informative for Macintosh users. It stresses that digital photography technology advances are coming fast and furiously. Brian stresses the power of digital is its immediate feedback; practicing with the tools is free- no film needed. I felt one of his most important tips was to not degrade the picture with any special effects or tricks in the camera. Wait until you get the picture into the computer to massage and manipulate the picture.

The inclusion of free Photospin images for using in coordination with the step-by-step techniques is a plus.

Weakness & Limitations: The biggest shortcoming of this DVD is that it was made for Windows but runs on a Macintosh. The viewers (since it is mostly aimed at new users) will become confused. PSE3 is not the same on both platforms. The opening splash screens are different; the Mac's contains only 3 of the 6 icons on the windows screen. And the layout of the tool windows are not in the same place or even visible at the same time. I have watched many presentations, which were meant for both platforms. In these the presenter either switched platforms alternating with each chapter or noted the alternative quick keys when describing the technique.

When I started to review this DVD program I was filled with enthusiasm. By the time I was half way through the video I had to force myself to finish it. I'm not a beginning user of PSE3, having migrated up from version one. But I found myself hunting around for palettes and pull downs that weren't the same as on the video.

Comments: After having viewed this DVD I find myself with conflicting opinions. The first part dealing with digital photography is well done. The second part dealing with PSE3 is a gross disappointment that a computer company focusing on training would not cover the differences in platforms, but instead totally ignore the Macintosh, which is known for its graphics strength.

Most importantly I think this DVD flagrantly abuses the users' machine, by requiring that one download 20 Megs of files to your hard drive. It promised it would tell you how to remove those files, but did not.


Linda McNeil is a Pa. information specialist. Linda teaches several online and classroom courses to adults/teachers for the PA Dept. of Education.

Linda is chairperson of the TriState Young Adult Book Review Group. Linda is also a professional artist and she maintains her own website (www.brushcolor.com).

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© 2005 by Linda McNeil & MLMUG
Posted 10/28/05
Updated 10/31/05