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A Software Review
by Moe Comeau


Product: Circus Ponies Notebook

Company: Circus Ponies
URL: http://www.circusponies.com/

Price: Standard License $49.95
Academic License $29.95
Family Pack License $99.95

System Requirements: Mac OS X 10.3.9 or later; PowerPC G3, G4 or Intel Core Mac

Reviewer's Rating: 4 out of 5 Apples

This is not the first review of Circus Ponies Notebook (CPN). It has been around for some time and a quick Google will uncover several, almost all of them glowing. What Can I add, except amen?

Installation was a breeze. Its Mac-like-ness is a cinch. It is a top-notch product all around, nicely filling its nitche of a little package that is:
  • Notebook Interfacing
  • Outlining
  • Text Editing
  • Note Taking
  • Writing
  • Clipping
  • Annotating
  • Media Handling
  • Link-handling
  • Searching and Sorting
  • Printing
  • Importing and Exporting
  • Web Publishing
  • Action Item Managing
  • and more
...All wrapped up into a neat little 22 MB free-downloadable demo which is fully-functional for 30 days. And these folks are staunch Mac User Group supporters, too. If you were at Macworld this year, I hope you caught their act at Booth # S-537.

All of the above. Give it a shot.

Well it's essentially a "database." Like all databases, it's only as useful as the quality of data you populate it with. For me, that's its downfall; though, not CPN's fault, but mine. Loading in all the data, especially typing in text to build an outline, is drudgery to me.

Moe Comeau

Reviewer: Moe Comeau

Moe Comeau used to plod along on ancient Mac hardware, and still does when necessary such as when USB is just no substitute for ADB. Having graduated to a second-hand PowerBook G4, which has plenty of oomph to handle broadcast video, coupled with an insatiable desire to organize his life, CPN seemed the perfect answer to fill that void.

Moe was once the prolific author of a monthly column of rants and rambles entitled In Moe's Humble Opinion (IMHO), found in MLMUG's newsletter, the MLMUG Journal, both online: a print version in PDF, at www.mlmug.org/past and individual columns at www.mlmug.org/letter.

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© 2007 by Moe Comeau & MLMUG
Posted 01/14/08
Updated 02/06/08