MLMUG's Picture of the Month
Judged by Stan Horwitz

"Rainbow Hut"
By Moe Comeau


Besides volunteering as a hut-"builder," I am the Lockheed Martin volunteer Hut Project photographer. Each Saturday I am there, all but second Saturdays. I carefully record the project "start" and "end" status. I take views looking both east and west. We seldom use the east view in final set of photos, because of the sun angle.

This was the view looking east as the sun shone through the log gaps and reflected off the dew on the grass. That the rays were so pronounced in this photo was pure accident. I had not even realized it had happened until I reviewed the day's take that evening. Not exactly the same effect as a refracted rainbow, but an interesting and unexpected phenomena all the same. [More below, after the specs.]

This soldier's hut is our volunteer group's 2007 Major Repair Project at Valley Forge National Historical Park. It's located at Poor's Brigade, near Wayne's Woods. We began work in April, with the replacing of the of cedar roof shingles, both sides. Then began the laborious task of replacing the rotted-out chimney, which ended up taking 3 full months of Saturdays. A typical crew consists of six volunteers and one supervising park ranger.

Technical Specs:

Date: June 16, 2007 at 8:03 AM
Camera: Concord 5340z (5.0 megapixels)
Original Format: JPEG, 2592 X 1944 Pixels
Setting: Auto
Focal Length: 5.9 mm
F-Stop: f5.3
Exposure Program: Normal Program
ISO speed Rating: 100
Flash: Compulsory Flash Firing
Now that I review the specs, I do recall that the camera had been set on forced-flash. The flash went off in spite of the bright sunlight and I immediately thought, "That's strange." That would explain why the photo is quite dark for a sunny day. Further, it may have contributed to those strange rays!

Would you like your photo to appear in this column? To submit your photo, please send it in jpg format to [email protected]. Please abide by the following submission rules:
  1. All images must have been taken with a digital or film camera
  2. Only tasteful photos (i.e., no violence or nudity)
  3. Include a brief explanation of what the photo is about
  4. The camera you used (or scanner)
  5. Where and when the photo was shot
  6. Selection is entirely up to the newsletter editor
  7. You agree to have your photo published here
  8. Submission limit of one photo per month, please
  9. Submissions limited to MLMUG members-only
Credit will be given to those whose photos are selected.

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©2007 by Stan Horwitz, Moe Comeau, & MLMUG
Posted 07/08/07
Updated xx/xx/07