MLMUG's Picture of the Month
Judged by Stan Horwitz

By Dale Fletcher

Description, in Dale's words:
"Switcher" was taken back in 2001 when bouncing from Mac OS X to Mac OS 9 due to a shortage of software for X at the time. The camera was on manual with an 8 second exposure at F8 with the EV set to-2 to get another stop. The only light in the room was a dim tensor in the back right. I stood looking at the Pizmo with 10.1 booted from an external drive while holding the flash in my Left hand. The camera was set to timer mode with a 10 second delay. When the timer light went red, I fired the test button on the strobe (set to it's lowest setting) 8 times as I turned toward the other screens with the Mac OS 9 image.

I switched hands in the middle and kept firing the strobe, trying not to directly flash the Kodak, but kept it turned away and toward my face. It took a couple of tries to get this base shot. The Shot was then layered in Photoshop onto the monitors, ghosting over the actual monitor shots. Doing this with slide film used to take lots of testing.

This shot took only 2 hours from idea to print, including all the trial and error necessary. The digital world opens up this kind of stuff to almost anybody with a creative concept.

Technical Specs:
Camera: Kodak DC4800, 3MP
Flash: Handheld SunPak 411 Strobe
Shutter speed: 8 seconds
Aperture setting: F8
ISO setting: 100
Lens: Stock Kodak at 27mm widest setting

Would you like your photo to appear in this column? To submit your photo, please send it in jpg format to [email protected]. Please abide by the following submission rules:
  1. Only tasteful photos (i.e., no violence or nudity)
  2. Include a brief explanation of what the photo is about
  3. The camera you used (or scanner)
  4. Where and when the photo was shot
  5. Selection is entirely up to the newsletter editor
  6. You agree to have your photo published here
  7. Submission limit of one photo per month, please
Credit will be given to those whose photos are selected.

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©2006 by Maria Arguello, Stan Horwitz & MLMUG
Posted 07/24/06
Updated 07/024/06