MLMUG's Picture of the Month
Judged by Stan Horwitz

"Split Second"
By Stan Horwitz

I shot this photo, called Split Second, on June 3rd, 2006 during an evening baseball game at the Camden Riversharks Arena. A friend from Connecticut is the president of the booster club for the Bridgeport Bluefish, their minor league baseball team. She invited me to join her and two bus loads of Bluefish booster club members at this game.

This photo was one of many that I shot with the intention of capturing a baseball in mid air. When I got home and reviewed my photos from that game, I was stunned to find this photo. It is a bit noisy, but the baseball is crystal clear. The stripes on the ball can be seen when I print this photo at 300dpi.

I was situated directly behind the visiting team's dug out. My camera was on a tripod. Photoshop CS2 was used only to boost the contrast and sharpen the image. [WebEd Note: it has been resized and resampled as a jpeg for the web and printed newsletter.]

Technical Specs:

Date: June 3rd, 2006 at around 7:30pm
Camera: Canon Digital Rebel (6 megapixels)
Original Format: raw
Focal Length: 160mm on a 70-300mm Canon zoom lens
Aperture: f5.0 (automatic setting)
Exposure: 1/125 seconds (automatic setting)
ISO: 800
Flash: none

Would you like your photo to appear in this column? To submit your photo, please send it in jpg format to [email protected]. Please abide by the following submission rules:
  1. Only tasteful photos (i.e., no violence or nudity)
  2. Include a brief explanation of what the photo is about
  3. The camera you used (or scanner)
  4. Where and when the photo was shot
  5. Selection is entirely up to the newsletter editor
  6. You agree to have your photo published here
  7. Submission limit of one photo per month, please
Credit will be given to those whose photos are selected.

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©2006 by Stan Horwitz & MLMUG
Posted 04/01/07
Updated xx/xx/07