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A Book Review
by Nancy Bloomfield

24 hours Title: Sams Teach Yourself the iMac in 24 Hours-Fourth Edition
By Gene Steinberg

Publisher: SAMS Publishing
ISBN: 0-672-32420-2
Pages: 485
Price: $24.99
Media: Paperback Book
Level: Beginner

Overall rating: Quite good for new users of iMac and OSX

This book provides 24 one-hour lessons on how to set up and run the iMac. It uses a straight forward, step-by-step approach that is easy to follow. It allows the reader to learn the essentials of working with the iMac and Mac OSX from the ground up. It also includes explanations of how to do the same operations in OS9. At the end of each chapter are Q&As, quizzes, and exercises to help the user test his/her knowledge. There are notes and tips that point out shortcuts and solutions. However, since the book was published two years ago it does not include any of the features of Jaguar or Panther. This would be a helpful book for a new user but it would be more useful if it were updated to include the new features of 10.3.

The book has a good index; many figures in each section illustrate the text. It is easy to read and relatively informative, but not highly entertaining (no Pogue-like humor). Even though I have been using the iMac for a year and a half, I learned some new tips and will use it as a reference.

Nancy Bloomfield

Reviewer: Nancy Bloomfield

Nancy is a retired school psychologist, now in part-time private practice. She has been a member of MLMUG for 1 1/2 years. Her current Mac pursuits include learning digital photography and video.

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© 2004 by Nancy Bloomfield & MLMUG
Posted 06/23/04
Updated 09/15/04