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A Book Review
by Linda McNeil

iLife05Bk Title: The Macintosh iLife '05:
An Interactive Guide to iPhoto, iTunes, iMovie HD, iDVD, and GarageBand.

Author: Jim Heid

Price: $34.99
Publisher: Avondale Media/Peachpit Press, 2005
ISBN 0-321-24747-7

Subject: Digital multimedia
Interest Level: anyone interested

Overall Rating: Excellent

Hardware requirements:
Macintosh with an OS X+ system capable of handling iLife '05
The DVD can be viewed on a computer with a DVD drive or a standalone DVD machine. In fact Jim Heid recommends watching the DVD on a television screen for a crisper picture.
This book and its accompanying DVD and website were tested on a 2.5 GHz G5 tower w/20" Flat panel screen and a stand-alone DVD player.

Description of program or book:
The book is divided into three main parts: text, DVD, and website. A separate section is provided for each facet of iLife'05: introduction, iTunes, iPhoto, iMovie HD, iDVD, and GarageBand. See what's inside: Download a PDF file of the table of contents for the book and DVD (840K). The supporting DVD is an audio-visual further illustrating the step-by-step tutorial approach in the text. The DVD contains two hours and 43 minutes of tutorials, tips, and techniques for iTunes, iPod, iPhoto, iMovie HD, iDVD, and GarageBand. The DVD also provides the reader with a large collection of software: iTunes AppleScripts; sample footage; iDVD themes; and GarageBand loops, and many more goodies to surprise the reader. In fact there are so many "cool" things to investigate you will find yourself short of time as I did with getting this review finished. (Let's face it, it is more fun to play with iMovie or iDVD than compose a review.) It is impossible to summarize the content of this book in a review. But I will say that any reader, of any level will find new intriguing information. In the iTunes chapter I learned about compression, converting old records, burning audio cds, sharing music over a network, listening to audio books, tuning into Internet radio, creating and publishing play lists, and using an iPod as a slide projector and calendar, etc. The most helpful to me were the tips and customizing hints made available in each chapter.

It is the best of both worlds in that the text provides depth and details while the DVD allows the reader to watch over the shoulder of an expert. The introduction sets the stage for the readers by explaining and illustrating the various connections and media to successfully complete a digital project. Each chapter examines the application in all of its aspects. Each two page spread is formatted to provide an introduction to the current topic, a step-by-step tutorial or instructions, and references to relevant chapters on the DVD or website. Section and spread names are located on the edges of the pages to allow readers to easily locate any topic.

Weakness & Limitations:
Although the book and the DVD do a tremendous job of providing an in-depth understanding of the iLife suite of tools, it can't cover the constantly evolving changes in the world of digital media. This is where Jim Heid turns a weakness into a strength by providing a website ( to provide information, instructions updates, and tips made available after the book was printed.

As a Library media specialist, I must state that Jim Heid has actually accomplished the unimaginable in the world of reference materials. The updated and revised reference book is colorful enough to attract even the most unwilling reader. The size of the book is large enough and wide enough to actually stay open on your desktop (without weights covering the text) while you work on the computer. The content is logically organized and easily browsed with the colorful edges denoting different chapters. The DVD provides support for those readers who prefer multimedia presentations. And if that isn't enough the author provides an Internet website to update and supplement all of the information impossible to squeeze into the book. It is truly a multi-sensory experience to savor.

Today's world is digitally focused. In order to make sure that you know how to drive on the highway of the future, this book is a must read.


Ease of installation: Excellent
Format or size of book: Excellent
Ease of use:(reading) Excellent
Documentation: Excellent

Packaging: Excellent
Index: Excellent
Graphics: Excellent
Sound: Excellent

QuickTime usage:Excellent
Color: Excellent

Overall rating: Excellent This is a must have for those interested in digital tools
Appropriate for: anyone interested in the iLife suite of tools


Linda McNeil is a Pa. media specialist. She teaches several online and classroom courses to adults/teachers for the PA Dept. of Education.

She is president of the Chester County chapter of the National League of American Pen Women. She is a member of several usergroups: MACS@PACS (co-president), MACBUS (Philadelphia), and MLMUG (Educational SIG ).

Linda is also a professional artist and she maintains her own website (

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© 2005 by Linda McNeil& MLMUG
Posted 06/24/05
Updated xx/xx/05