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Book Review
by Maria O. Arguello

EDV Book Cover

Title: Exploring Digital Video
Author: Lisa Rysinger

Publisher: Thomson Delmar Learning
ISBN: 1-4018-4299-2

Media: Book, 256 pages. Free DVD

List Price: $44.95

Reviewer Rating: Excellent

Finally! A book that makes a difficult subject easy to understand — creating and working with digital video (DV)! Each chapter is well laid out with great illustrations and nicely sized titles for each section and lesson. It also enhances its content by making good use of sidebars, to add relevant information. Each chapter ends with an very useful set of questions and exercises, which furthers the reader's comprehension.

Lesson 6 was a highlight for me because I often incorporate photographs into my videos. This sometimes results in a badly distorted photo, forcing me to omit some great photos because of that distortion. Other times, I've been lucky and able to successfully place a photo without any distortion. Until I read this book, the causes were unclear; the author demonstrates the correct way to prepare a photograph for digital video in a way that I could understand and will remember. Though math and computations are a turn-off to many, she successfully covers the meaning of pixel values without confusion. The DVD included with the book contains tutorials which do an excellent job of taking the viewer step-by-step through cropping a photograph vertically and horizontally, so it is properly proportioned for video. The reader therefore has a visual and a written source for future reference at any time.

As a bonus, the author interviews Fred Meyers and Ben Snow, the makers of the Star Wars movies from George Lucas' Industrial Light & Magic (ILM). Meyers and Snow re pioneers in the DV field. She interviews several other DV professionals as well, adding their vast experience to the subject.

The DVD also includes discounts from major retailers, saving readers money on computer and electronics products.

This book is a keeper—excellent for the both the beginner and the experienced hobbyist.

Maria O. Arguello

Reviewer: Maria O. Arguello

Maria O. Arguello has been a Pennsylvania resident since 1970. She is a native of Nicaragua but became an American citizen in 1964. She received her Bachelor of Science degree from Loyola University of New Orleans and her Master of Science degree from West Chester University in Pennsylvania. Since retiring from the Philadelphia School System as a science teacher and science department head, her newfound time has allowed her to become more involved with her Mac and the User Group Community. Maria is president and vendor liaison of the Main Line Macintosh Users Group (MLMUG), where she has also served as member-at-large and as special events coordinator. She is an active member of several MUGs, including the Macintosh User Group of Southern New Jersey (MUGSNJ); Princeton Macintosh User Group (PMUG), where she serves as a board member; South Jersey Apple User Group (SJAUG); the Macintosh Business Users Society (MacBUS), where she served as secretary for a year; and Macs @ PACS. She is a member of the Apple Consultants Network and the Apple Regional Liaison. Maria enjoys learning about the diversity of the user group community and loves to attend conferences for the Mac to represent her home group, MLMUG.

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© 2004 by Maria O. Arguello & MLMUG
Posted 08/27/04
Updated 08/28/04