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A Book Review
by Mark Bazrod

VoIPD Product: VOIP for Dummies

Author: Timothy V. Kelly

Price: $24.99 list & $15.74 at Amazon

Publisher: Wiley Publishing, Inc. - 2005

ISBN: 0-7645-8843-5

Media: Book, with no CD

Interest Level: Beginning and Very advanced

Overall Rating:
1 out of 5 for the individual computer user;
4 out of 5 for very advanced computer user
with corporate network responsibilities

CONTENTS: This is one of the toughest reviews I've had to do because VOIP for Dummies really is two books combined into one.

Timothy V. Kelly is a telecommunications networks specialist with more than 25 years experience designing computer and telecommunications networks and teaching at the college level. He clearly understands the subject, but tries to convey too much information. More acronyms than I can recall in a long time. He has written a comprehensive book on VOIP targeted at both the corporate telecom network specialist and the consumer. The book works well for the specialist and the person who wants to take the time to delve deeply into the minutia of telecommunications, but it will quickly overwhelm the average computer user once he goes beyond Chapters 1, 2, 6, 10, and 16. Probably should have been 2 books — one for the consumer and one for the network specialist.

VOIP stands for "voice over Internet protocol" and it means "voice transmitted over a computer network (Internet or internal corporate network). For the consumer who has both a broadband connection and significant toll charges, the cost savings can be a significant part of his current phone bill.

Chapter 1 starts explaining the pre-digital phone systems, commonly known as POTS (plain old telephone service), gets into TCP/IP and its layers so the reader starts to bog down. Chapter 2 gets into the movement to digital, circuit and packet switching and eyes are start to glaze over. Chapter 3 explains telephone company charging and that will wake up the reader, but a trip to the emergency room may be necessary. Skip Chapters 4 through 9, although a little skimming of Chapter 6 on broadband might be helpful. Chapter 10 discusses the different types of VOIP phones and is required reading for all. Then go directly to Chapter 16 which gives you the 10 reasons you should switch to VOIP at home. The glossary (Appendix B) is helpful for defining the acronyms and making you a little more knowledgeable in assessing what you need and sounding intelligent when you talk to venders and VOIP providers.

This is a book that you should check out at your local book store to see if it's the book for you. If you have a technical bent and are involved in networks, it just may be.

STRENGTHS: The book is a good textbook book and reference work for those who want to delve into the convergence of computer networks and telecommunications and cheaper and more functional telephone systems. It also does a good job of giving an introduction to VOIP and explaining the types of phones which may be used.

WEAKNESSES: Because the book targets two very divergent audiences, it is much too complex for the average consumer, covering technical network subjects of little interest.

SUMMARY: This is a book primarily for the computer user involved in a corporate computer network looking at implementing VOIP.


Reviewer: Mark Bazrod

Mark Bazrod has been involved in leasing computers since 1968 and has been active in the leasing industry as a board member, speaker, and committee chairman. His company was one of the first to lease computer software back in 1992.

He bought his first Apple computer around 1978 and currently uses a 2 GHz MacBook Pro. In 2006 he was elected MLMUG Treasurer.

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© 2006 by Mark Bazrod & MLMUG
Posted 07/21/06
Updated 07/21/06