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A Book Review
by Mike Berman

PS2 VSG Title: Visual Quickstart Guide
Photoshop Elements 2 for Windows & Macintosh
for Mac OS 9.1, 9.2.x or OS X v.10.1.3 - 10.1.5;
Windows 98/98 SE/Me, 2000/XP

By: Craig Hoeschen & Christopher Dahl
Published by: Peachpit Press
ISBN: 0-201-79974-X
Price: $19.99
Pages: 403, plus 8 full color insert pages
Media: Softcover; No CD.
Level: Beginner thru Intermediate in photo manipulation, but assumes full familiarity with operating the computer of choice.
The book is fully indexed, and also includes an appendix with tables of keyboard equivalents and shortcuts for both Mac and Windows.

I'll start this review by noting what I consider to be the book's major deficiency: Despite the "visual" part of its title, the screenshots of various "before and after" photograph conditions are extremely indistinct. Because they are quite small, and in black-and-white on non-glossy paper, much (if not most) of the detail attempting to be shown is either difficult to see or completely lost. Even some of the color-plates do not adequately illustrate the concept being examined. By comparison, the photographs in Adobe's printed User Guide supplied with the software are much clearer.

However, details in the screenshots of the controls and dialog boxes are easy to see and follow, and the textual explanations--in the great majority of cases--are quite clear. Even though I have been using Photoshop Elements (PSE) (first v.1 and now v.2) for about three years now, I learned a few new procedures, tricks, and shortcuts from this book.

My use of PSE-2 is concentrated on optimizing photographs for printed display, and I found the books explanations (but not its illustrations) to be adequately discussed. I also found its explanations of preparing photos for the web or e-mail to be straightforward and succinct.

The book begins with explanations of the work area: importing images from scanners and digital cameras; browsing, opening, closing, and saving files; and basic descriptions and functions of available tools.

Succeeding chapters address image size and resolution and how to change them, color correction, and other image management operations. The concept of layers and how to work with them is addressed, and information is provided about adjusting, enhancing, and retouching.

Later chapters cover filters and effects, painting and drawing, and working with type. The concluding chapters are devoted to preparing images for the web, saving and printing, and various special operations such as creating panoramas, slideshows, animated GIFs, web photo galleries, and composites.

I would rate this book as a good supplement to Adobe's documentation. It can also serve as a stand-alone reference manual if for some reason Adobe's User Guide is not available.

Mike Berman

In summary, I found the book to be helpful (with the exception of the photo illustrations), straight to the point, and without the condescending and extraneous language used in some other "how-to" books. It revealed to me several useful shortcuts and alternate ways of accomplishing various tasks and operations that I had not been aware of, even after years of using this application.

Reviewer: Mike Berman

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© 2004 by Mike Berman & MLMUG
Posted 10/18/04
Updated xx/xx/04