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Book Review
by Maria O. Arguello

Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard  Peachpit Learning Series Book:
Mac OS X Leopard Pocket Guide

Author: Chuck Toporek

Publisher: O'Reilly

ISBN: 0-596-52981-3

Pages: 211

Price: $14.99 US

Level: All users

Rating: 4 out of 5 apples

What I love most about this book is its size. It's a pocket guide so I can take it with me everywhere without the bulk and weight of a standard-size book. The author does an excellent job of addressing all the learning levels, from beginners to advanced, in 211 pages. There is no CD; no big surprise. The illustrations are in black and white, which does not detract from their usefulness, but you cannot open and lay this book flat without assistance.

I was able to find everything I needed from the Index. Besides the informational material he gives numerous and valuable tips and tricks. I particularly love Chapter 7, "Special Characters." This alone makes me keep this book close by when I'm working on my computer. The fact that it's a Pocket Guide means it is brief, therefore necessitating having another reference book handy. For example, this book did not have enough information on how to do Screen Sharing. It only defines what it is and what it's good for.

Apple's new cat, Leopard, is a big and powerful one. This guide will help you tame it

Maria O. Arguello

Reviewer: Maria O. Arguello

Maria O. Arguello is the vendor liaison of the Main Line Macintosh Users Group (MLMUG). Maria is also a member of NCMUG, PMUG, CCPMUG, MUGSNJ, PPUG, Macs@PACS, and SJAUG.

She is the also Apple User Group Regional Liaison for the Northeast United States (CT, DE, MA, MD, ME, NH, NJ, NY, RI, VT).

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© 2008 by Maria O. Arguello & MLMUG
Posted 02/24/08
Updated 02/29/08