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A Book Review
by Fred Slavin

Secrets iPod Title: Secrets of the iPod, Third Edition
By: Christopher Breen

Publisher: TechTV/Peachpit Press
ISBN: 0-321-22371-3

Media: Book, 300 pages; no CD or DVD
Price: $19.99

Rating: Excellent

It is quite appropriate that this excellent book about the functions and capabilities of the iPod is one of the few books about the computer that can be held in one hand.

Chapter 4 "Of iPods and PCs" gave me tacit permission to skim through those 42 pages so I have nothing to impart on that subject. Now on to the essence of the book: it covers the first three iterations of the iPod and tells us about the controls and the interface. All aspects of the main screen of the iPod are presented using both text and graphics. There are numerous illustrations in each chapter. There are also instances of a sort of "sidebar" that is indicated by a small pencil. These occur frequently and are explanatory or serve as addenda to the subject being covered.

"Managing music with the Macintosh" gives us an overview of the relationship of the iPod with iTunes. This chapter is not intended to take the place of a full-featured guide to iTunes, such as The Little iTunesBook, Third Edition, by Bob LeVitus.

Breen covers a great deal about ripping a CD, legally getting songs from the web, Creating a Playlist and Moving Music to the iPod. I was pleased to see information about the connection to the Apple iTunes Music Stores and Audible has thousands of books that can be downloaded from their website and transferred to your iPod. I have downloaded about 25 books from Audible and listen to them often. I subscribe to the service and get two books each month for $20 plus some free extras. The Chapter on the iTunes Music Store covers how to get into the store, navigate within it, and how to load your purchases into your iPod for your listening pleasure.

One of the features of the iPod that may not be so universally known is its ability to boot your Macintosh. This, of course, is not an attribute that is indigenous to the iPod, but Breen covers how to install OS 9 and OSX on the iPod so it can be used to boot your Mac. Additionally, the data-storage capacity of your iPod can be used to install troubleshooting utilities. There are many other transfers that are covered in the book.

Although Apple has not provided a direct procedure to move your songs from the iPod back to your computer, this book tells how to do it for energetic and knowledgeable programmers and Applescript devotees.

VersionTracker lists several, such as: PodManager, PodMaster1000, and Pod 2 iPod. Taking advantage of the FireWire, the iPod can be used to display your contacts transfered from Palm desktop , Eudora 5.1 and Contact 4.x. The use of iSync is explained in enough detail to make the process easy to understand He also lists third party software, such as: iPod It and iSpeak It, both at Pod2Go is found at

There is a list— actually, more than a list— of accessories, which have proliferated in 2004. Just surf the 'Net or open a Mac catalogue or look around at a MUG meeting.

This great book has introduced me to some new processes to try and to enjoy. I think this book will open new vistas for you and your iPod.

Fred Slavin

Reviewer: Fred Slavin

No bio was submitted to accompany this review, but Fred Savin was MLMUG's member of the month for February 2003.

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© 2004 by Fred Slavin & MLMUG
Posted 12/23/04
Updated 1/7/04