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A Book Review
by Mark Corchin

PSCS Bible Cover Title: Photoshop CS Bible, Professional Edition
By Deke McClelland

Publisher: Wiley Publishing, Inc. Indianapolis, IN
ISBN: 0-7645-4179-X
Pages: 649
Price: $59.99 ($74.99 Canada)
Overall rating: 5 Apples

We seem to revere those whose credentials include the mantle of �biblical scholar�. It immediately suggests a person who has read many times the tomes of our moral underpinnings and purports to have a keener understanding of the subject than the rest of us. But who stands at the bar and buys a round of drinks for the guy who wrote it? Well I raise my glass in praise of Deke McClelland and his most recent "Bible," Photoshop CS, Professional Edition.

Had the Old/New Testaments been written with such professional graphics, grand humor and easy readability, we might well have fewer �sinners� and more �scholars.� It is Mac centric, but is inclusive of the great unwashed PC masses, so as to avoid offending or creating a �fundamentalist reaction�.

Superbly presented in glossy stock with excellent step by step photographs and hard cover binding, this book is the consummate resource for the latest edition of Photoshop, CS. It is not, however, directed at the true Photoshop newbie; for those folks, McClelland has published the standard Photoshop Bible. The Pro Edition is devoid of discussion on using the workspace, setting preferences, the palates and file formats, but you all learned that in Dale�s night school classes anyway.

Photoshop CS Bible, Professional Edition begins with Painting and Brushes in Chapter 1, explores and explains all the special effects the program offers, and concludes 13 chapters later with discussions on using the new File Browser organizational tool and publishing your creative accomplishments on the web, using the bundled Image Ready program in Photoshop CS. The book is broader in spectrum than just image manipulation of photographs; it deals with design and the artist, as an integral part of the creative process. While the extent of my freehand abilities is limited to signing my name and making really good stick figures for the courtroom, I�ve learned enough about the Wacom tablet that sits dusty on a shelf, to clean it up and give my dear bride, the artist, some tips on expressing herself outside of her sketch book, and onto the LCD of the 17� iMac

Guidelines for this review suggest that it alert you to both the strengths and weaknesses of the book. As your objective and dispassionate book reviewer, I confess that $60.00 a copy ($87.00 if you're dumb enough to buy it in Canada) is a bit steep. A simple Google search found sellers in the $48.00 price range which I think puts it on the Christmas Gift List, and who wouldn�t appreciate receiving a Bible at Christmas? Once again, I found a publication worthy of 5 Apples!

Deivy Petrescu

Reviewer: Mark Corchin, Intrepid Book Reviewer

[No bio provided, but Mark was MLMUG's Member of the Month in February 2002. Read that bio here.]

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© 2004 by Mark Corchin & MLMUG
Posted 07/20/04
Updated 09/15/04