MLMUG Book Review
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A Book Review
by Helge Gunther

MYourM Title: Master Your Mac:
Simple Ways to Tweak, Customize, and Secure OS X

Author: Matt Cone

Price: $29.95
Publisher: No Starch Press

ISBN-13: 978-1-59327-406-1
ISBN-10: 1-59327-406-8

Media: Book, 400 Pages.

Interest Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Overall Rating: 5 out of 5

Once you have worked with your Mac(s) for a while, you are likely to have memorized all the system keyboard shortcuts, have conscientiously read and learned tips published on the Internet, books, magazines, and newsletters. But there comes a time you wish you could find ways to further streamline your operations, especially those that you perform routinely. This is the moment when you will appreciate the tips and tricks Matt Cone has assembled in his book "Master Your Mac."

This book is not a manual in the usual sense but rather a reference book consisting of a collection of lesser known shortcuts, especially keyboard shortcuts, and applications to use your computer more efficiently and safely. Since suggestions and instructions are written for OS X Mountain Lion (OS X 10.8), some references to system operation will not be available to users of earlier operating systems. But they at least will point them to possibilities of streamlining operations even if other than the suggested programs might have to be used.

The book is organized into 7 parts each addressing what the author refers to as 'projects':
  • Back to Basics
  • Boosting Productivity
  • Automation
  • Managing Your Life
  • Internet and Networks
  • Serious Security, and
  • Monitoring, Troubleshooting and Maintenance.
Individual parts include several chapters to a total of 38. Two lists at the beginning of the book "Brief Contents" and "Contents in Detail" make it easy to quickly go to a topic of interest.

Each chapter starts with a list suggesting tools to be used for a particular project including in most instances system programs. It also lists suggestions for third-party programs to achieve a particular goal citing their URLs and relative costs from free to expensive ($ - $$$). Detailed step-by-step instructions follow this list and "Additional Ideas" given at the end of each chapter point readers to additional resources if they want to explore a particular topic further.

Some projects may on first glance intimidate beginners but even they will find the chapters in parts 4, 5, 6, 7 (Managing Your Life, Internet and Networks, Serious Security, and Monitoring, Troubleshooting and Maintenance) worthwhile reading. More advanced users will benefit reading those parts as a refresher course. I am not exactly a Macintosh novice but still discovered, or rediscovered, several tricks mentioned in the book and will certainly try some of those I have not used before.

Instructions are easy to follow, and written in a lively style. Screen shots accompanying the instructions show enough detail to actually see what will be displayed on the screen. The index is comprehensive and the binding should hold up to heavy use. I highly recommend this book.

Pros: Definitely worth adding to one's library.

Cons: Based on OS X Mountain Lion and may be less helpful for users of earlier systems.


Reviewer: Helge Gunther

Helge Gunther has been a member of the Mainline Macintosh Users Group (MLMUG) for many years and currently manages the group's book library.Many generations of Apple computers have stood on her desk and portables including an iPod touch and iPad 2 are constant companions at home and when traveling.

Time not spent in front of her Mac is filled among other activities with extensive travels with her husband, Wolfgang, to many different parts of the world.

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© 2013 by Helge Gunther & MLMUG
Posted 03/23/13
Updated xx/xx/13