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A Book Review
by Marc Robinson

Best of JoyT Title: The Best of "The Joy of Tech"

Authors: Nitrozac and Snaggy
Publisher: O'REILLY
ISBN: 0-596-00578-4, O'Reilly, 2004
Media: Book, Lotsa Pages (but no page numbers!)
Level: Normal to Geek
Price: $14.95

Read O'Reilly's description of this book.

What do Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, David Pogue, Steve Wozniak, The Dalai Lama, Rod Serling, Dr. Phil, Luke Skywalker, Steve Balmer, Ellen Feiss, President Bush, and George Lucas have in common? They are all fodder for the twisted minds of Nitrozac and Snaggy, creators of the Joy of Tech comics. And let's not forget cats and dogs, orbiting aliens, social misfit geeks, hot chicks who dig social misfit geeks, Star Trek fans, Star Wars fans, Apple Store Geniuses, Klingons... well, you get the point. No one is safe. It's amazing they haven't been sued yet.

If you read this newsletter each month then you're already familiar with The Joy of Tech comic. Perhaps you even go online each day to get more than a monthly dose of Geek Culture. Well, now Nitrozac and Snaggy have gathered up some of their favorite toons from over the years and collected them in The Best of "The Joy of Tech"

What I like most about The Joy of Tech is the uncanny ability that Nitrozac and Snaggy have to take a simple joke and elaborate on it until it becomes an inside joke for geeks like me, but still remains accessible to the average guy. Sure, it helps to be an Apple fan to get the iPod jokes and the UNIX jokes. That's okay; they know the geeks are reading. On the other hand, you don't have to be a cat person to get the joke when they show a legion of felines protesting the proliferation of flat-panel monitors, outraged that they no longer have a warm spot to sleep on top of the computer.

The book is printed in stunning full-color on every page. Besides the best of the cartoons, there are mini-toons scattered throughout the book, embellishing the toon they're near. In the back of the book you'll find over 170 JoyPolls. JoyPolls are small surveys that appear on the Geek Culture web site. Each survey includes introductory comments (which are really just a way to stretch the joke) and the survey results, naturally.

If you're a geek and can take a joke and laugh at yourself (or you're one of those "normal" people who just likes to laugh at us geeks) and the crazy world we live in, you should pick up a copy of this book. Even away from your Mac or the Internet you shouldn't be without your Joy of Tech.

Go to to pick up a copy of the book or read the current comics online.

Marc Robinson

Reviewer: Marc Robinson.

MLMUG Journal Editor-in-chief,
and Columnist, iEditor

Marc spends his spare time as a costumed crimefighter protecting the innocent in the never-ending battle against evil.

— Marc Robinson
MLMUG Reviewer

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© 2004 by Marc Robinson & MLMUG
Posted 04/01/04
Updated 09/15/04