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A Book Review
by Mike LeWitt

Fan Cover Title: The iPod Fan Book
By Yasukumi Notomi

Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Incorporated

ISBN: 0596007760

Price: from $13.99

Overall rating: "Enjoyable"

The latest in a series of books on using the iPod is a lovely, small, nicely designed book available for $14.95 (US, $ 21.95 CAN) from O'Reilly Press. It provides a brief summary of the features of the iPod, with some information about connective devices. It has an index which summarizes the contents, and is nicely illustrated.

The iPod manual that comes with the product is sketchy. The book provides a supplement to that, with a review of the basics, and some advanced product information. It is a worthwhile balance between the almost non-existent product manual, and the more comprehensive manuals (a 3rd edition of which was just issued). It is small, portable and reviews much of what you need to know without providing comprehensive detail.

It looks lovely, inspired by the people who have designed the iPod, and its current packaging.

It is an enjoyable book.

Doctor Mike

Reviewer: Michael LeWitt aka "Doctor Mike"

Mike has been a member of MLMUG since 1992. In 1994, he initiated the New Users SIG to help those who were new to the Macintosh to get their questions answered in an environment which was not overwhelming. Several years later, and with the continued assistance of Bob Barton, he initiated a second meeting devoted to New Users.

Mike bought his first Mac, a Mac Plus, in 1986, and has been an avid user, along with his entire family, since that time. He estimates that his family has purchased at least 20 Macs so far. His license plate is "Mac Uzer" as Mac User was taken.

When he is not on his Mac, he practices emergency medicine, reads, listens to music and collects. His nickname of "Doctor Mike" was derived from MLMUG.

[Dr Mike was MLMUG's Member of the Month in January 2003.]

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© 2005 by Michael LeWitt & MLMUG
Posted 04/20/05
Updated xx/xx/05