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A Book Review
by Linda McNeil

FM6 Book Title: The Book of FileMaker 6:
Your One-Stop Guide to FileMaker Pro,
Pro Unlimited, Developer, Server, and Mobile

By: Chris Kubica
Publisher: No Starch Press
Price: $59.95
Copyright: 2003
Pages: 797
ISBN: 1-886411-81-6
Level: Business, adult, anyone interested in database management
Hardware requirements: CD-ROM drive needed to access the accompanying disc

The book states: "This book is a complete introduction, hands-on tutorial, and reference for the complete FileMaker Pro product line." A more appropriate description would be "a one-volume encyclopedia that covers all aspects of the FileMaker application and its related product line." Topics included will appeal to novices, intermediate users and gurus wanting to find that illusive piece of information.

The chapters include: layouts, relational databases, complex calculations, scriptmaker, security, sharing databases, mobile databases, ODBC and SQL, emulating other software, plug-ins, conventions, developer tools, web publishing, apple scripting, Active X automation and many other topics as well as useful tips and tricks.

This book is supported by a companion website located at www. This site is used to update the material on the CD-ROM and to post any corrections or additions. The reader will also find various links to FileMaker related news and tips and tricks. The author, himself, welcomes email concerning the book. [Ed Note: The words at the site, as of May 23, say "This is the official site for my forthcoming book, The Book of FileMaker 6."]

The extensive wealth of information is made readily available to readers through the detailed index and table of contents. The author has divided information into readable sections of knowledge for the reader to grasp easily and succinctly. Each chapter builds upon the previous one so the reader will have the appropriate information to understand the discussion. However, an intermediate or advanced user would certainly be able to jump around the text with the aid of the index.

Weakness & Limitations:
Before I mention the format of the book, I must say that the binding of this paperback is commendable. It is certainly geared to heavy usage by the reader. It will stand up to many reference forays by the individual looking for answers. The formatting on the other hand will wear out the reader's eyesight with too much of sameness throughout the 797 pages. The book designers have made use of white space, but they put it in the same place on all pages. With today's readers becoming used to computer GUIs, printed pages that are text heavy become "old hat" very quickly. The proposed audience of this book is not looking for a coffee table book, but that is no excuse not to give their eyes a break. The reader cannot tell the difference from one chapter to another and one page looks the same as any other. When I was looking for the chapter heading found on most pages, I found them in really small type on the bottom of the pages making them virtually unreadable. It would have been nice to be able to flip through the pages and stop at my chapter of interest.

Over the years, Filemaker has grown from a rather small program into a formidable multi-platform relational database. As it developed in importance, more and more users have become interested in the potential of this application. The author has certainly done a commendable job, both in explaining the world of databases to the uninitiated and in providing tips and tricks for experienced users. The forethought of the author to create a web site that provides additional information and updated links and resources expands the content beyond the covers of this book.

This is a great reference tool for FileMaker users who manage and create their own databases. The author's informative style is easy to read, but the format of the text left me desiring a more varied layout. In browsing several of the books I have on FileMaker, I find that I prefer the open visual format of the Visual Quick-Start Guides by Peachpit Press.


Attribute Description

Rating Value

Rating Description

Format or size of book:

** Weak/acceptable

Ease of use (reading):

*** Average


**** Good


**** Good


***** Excellent


** Weak/acceptable



QuickTime usage:



N/A Black & white are sufficient for this topic

Overall rating:

*** Average

Linda McNeil

Reviewer: Linda McNeil

Linda is a Pa. media specialist. She has a master's degree in Library/Media and Curriculum development. She has administered an electronically networked library that contained state of the art equipment utilizing interactive video, digitized images, on-line searching, computer integration, etc. For the past 30+ years she has reviewed books and audiovisual materials for a Tri State YA Reviewing group in Southeast PA. In addition, Linda teaches several online and classroom courses to adults/teachers for the PA Dept. of Education. Linda is also a professional artist (22 lithographs, 120 etchings, graphics, and artist books) and she maintains her own website at

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© 2004 by Linda McNeil & MLMUG
Posted 05/23/04
Updated 09/15/04