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A Book Review
by Michelle Barton

OffVQSG Title: Macromedia Dreamweaver MX Advanced For Windows and Macintosh Visual Quickpro Guide
Authors: J. Tarin Towers, Sasha Magee, and Abie Hadjitarkhani

Price: $29.99
Publisher: Peachpit Press, 2005
ISBN 0321159462

Media: Soft cover book, 490 pages
Level: Intermediate and Advanced

Overall Rating: 4 out of 5

Macromedia Dreamweaver MX Advanced is a book that I wanted to use while I was enrolled in an 18-hour workshop titled: "Creating Web Sites Using Macromedia Dreamweaver." This workshop was given by the School District of Philadelphia at the JFK Center. At the completion of the workshop, attendees were given Macromedia Studio MX 2004. The application disk included Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks and FreeHand. Dreamweaver MX 2004, "is simple to use and it's one of the very best What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) Web-page editing tools to ever come down the pike." For example, I found it to have speed and capability when I constructed web pages with links, images, forms, frames, layers, or cascading style sheets. Therefore, I chose this book to enhance my understanding and to achieve more success in creating web sites.

The book, Macromedia Dreamweaver MX Advanced, is laid out in a form typical of all Visual QuickPro Guide books, i.e. instructional text is arranged on the outside of the pages and the "Figure" is numbered and placed near the binding. An added tool, "sidebar" conversations, throughout the book, are very helpful. The book has 20 chapters that are grouped into six themes. The first theme, diving in to databases and dynamic content, will help you set up your files. The second theme, serving dynamic pages and dynamic content, will show you how to create record sets and introduce live data on your pages. The third theme explains and illustratesinteractive tools. The fourth theme, editing and writing code, dissects Dreamweaver's code that you use to write plain HTML and all other text and code. The fifth theme, the front end, shows how to create useful and friendly Web interfaces. Finally, the sixth theme, maximizing the software, discusses the collaborative features of Dreamweaver.

Since I was a beginner who just wanted to manage an interactive site for my school, I found that most of the book covered information beyond my scope of understanding of how to create and maintain a web site. The book claims to be written for "someone who needs to learn Dreamweaver MX quickly," it assumes that the reader has some familiarity with Dreamweaver and HTML. I stopped and read the "Contents at a Glance" and the "Introduction." It was at that point that I realized that the book was far more advanced than I thought. Therefore, I suggest that you use the book if you already have a Web site or a database and would like to take the interactivity and productivity of your site to a new level.


  • The ease of the Visual QuickPro Guide
  • Sidebars
  • Hundreds of tips and figures (illustrations)
  • Links to all the reference URL mentioned
  • Sample database files for experimentation
  • A chapter synopsis


  • Most illustrations for the Windows user
  • No Glossary of terms
  • No cross references for the many acronyms


Reviewer: Michelle Barton

Michelle is a practicing believer who attends Grace Tabernacle Christian Church. In her computer lab of 35 iMacs at S. Weir Mitchell Elementary School in Philadelphia, Michelle is the Basic Skills Technology teacher and the Technology Teacher Leader. This past summer, she had a one-time opportunity to teach K thru 8th grade students in a Dell computer non-air conditioned lab at John Bartram High School. From this experience, Michelle learned that she liked teaching 8th grade students because of the interactions.

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© 2005 by Michelle Barton & MLMUG
Posted 08/23/05
Updated 08/25/05