MLMUG Book Review
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A Book Review
by Deivy Petrescu

Panther Pocket Title: Mac OS X Panther, Pocket Guide

Author: Chuck Toporek
Publisher: O'REILLY
ISBN: 0-596-006616-0
Media: Book, 158 pages, soft cover, comprehensive index.
Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced (All= BIA)
Price: US\$9.95

Strengths: This small little book is a pocket reference, and as such is loaded with tips and information. It might not cover everything, but by the time you finish reading it, you will certainly be a more sophisticated user. By that I mean you will be blazingly fast moving around your Mac (if you can remember all the tips). The book steps through in a natural order. First it takes care of all the people coming from other platforms (Windows and UNIX) and people coming from Mac OS 9 or earlier. From there it progresses with a bunch of tips for most of the relevant functions of the OS (Finder, Networking, Printing, Expos�, etc). It even goes through some basic shell stuff in UNIX. One will not learn how to manage all the UNIX shell interface with this book, but it helps one to get started. Certainly more than one bargained for. There are also some tips on tweaking the system.

Weaknesses: There are none.

Summary or Comments: I would recommend this book for anyone planning to use Panther. Why? If you are new to the platform, a book like this can be comforting in times of trouble. If you already are a skilled user, there are no real benefits in buying this book; I'd recommend a more advanced book.

Overall rating: I'd buy it.

Deivy Petrescu

Reviewer: Deivy Petrescu. Mac connoisseur. Runs Mac Programming SIG at MLMUG and a help site at He is also a member of Philadelphia Apple Developers and of the Philadelphia Area AppleScript User's Group.

— Deivy Petrescu
MLMUG Reviewer

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© 2004 by Deivy Petrescu & MLMUG
Posted 03/29/04
Updated 04/01/04