We are the Main Line Mac Users Group
* Try our Newer User's (NU) Special Interest Group which meets on the 4th Saturday of every month from 10 AM to Noon (Eastern time). Go to the bottom of this page and use 'Click here for ..' *
We meet West of Philadelphia or via Zoom on the second Saturday of the month, except June, July and August, from 9 AM to Noon. Please check the ‘Our next meeting’ button posted at the top left of every page of this site for all updated information.
If you've been visiting for some time, but haven't joined, consider these benefits of membership:
- Monthly meetings, where you can learn from top lecturers, share information, and meet everyone from working Mac professionals to new Mac users from all backgrounds.
- Monthly newsletter, full of interesting Mac news, tips, and information.
- Useful free items at the monthly raffles.
- Auctions at much less than retail prices.
- Vendor Discounts: You get it also via the listserv. Vendors offer special prices to User Group members. Any time a vendor offers special discounts they are posted on the club’s member Listserv. You must be a current member in good standing to participate in these offerings.
- Access to our member directory.
- MLMUG Mailing List, to post technical questions or comments to the experts within our group.
- Enjoy our newer users meeting for those new to the Mac and iPad/iPhone platforms.
Our meetings are on the second Saturday of each month at 9:00 AM. and are scheduled as follows:
- 9:05-10:05 Special Interest Groups (SIGs) rotating schedule or combined.
The two current SIGs are:- Multimedia - We discuss using your Mac/iDevices and applications for photo, video, audio, and print media.
- Mac OS & iOS - We go beyond basics to discuss Apples current operating systems, using your Macs and iDevices, and various applications. We also have Q&A.
- 10:05 - 10:15: Break
- 10:15 - 10:30: Welcome and other business
- 10:30 - 11:50: Main Presentation (by a member or guest speaker)
- 11:50 - 12:00: Raffle and silent auctions.
Membership Information: Membership dues, effective 1/1/2020, are $30 for individuals and $40 for families.
Memberships are based on your anniversary date, which is the month you joined. You will be e-mailed reminders when your membership fee is due.
Are you ready to join?
Please make a check payable to MLMUG and bring it to a monthly meeting or mail it to:
MLMUG Treasurer,
102 Darby Rd
Paoli, PA 19301
Copyright MLMUG 2024, All rights reserved