MLMUG New Users

Special Interest Group (SIG) for newer Mac and iDevice users

Bob Barton - SFL Leader

This is a special interest group (SIG) to help newer Mac and iPad users be more efficient with their equipment. Membership in MLMUG is encouraged - only $30 for 12 months for an individual or $40 for a family.

Photos (Photos by Carol Campanelli)


Some attendees           More attendees           Bob Barton in action

MLMUG Newer Users is meeting via Zoom during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please scroll to the bottom of this page and click on "here" for Zoom information.

Directions to Hershey's Mill

From Route 202,
From Route 30,

At the entrance to Hershey's Mill,

Stay to the left at the gatehouse (assuming you are not a HM resident) and pull up to the door.
Tell the guard you are coming to the MLMUG computer meeting in the Community Center. He will open the gate.

Go through the gate and up the hill.
The Community Center is the second road on the right.
One parking lot is in the front of the building but there is a larger lot at the rear of the building - follow the road to the left of the Community Center.
If you park in front, go in the front door, down a couple of stairs and then take the ramp to the right to the Paoli Room.
If you park by the back entrance (Hershey's Mill Library), take a right and walk to and through the main room to the Paoli Room.

Directions in Pictures (click on the picture to see it enlarged)


