MLMUG's Picture of the Month
Judged by Stan Horwitz

Flower & Beetle
By Mark Corchin

Every spring Mark Corchin's wife Randi plants four flower gardens around their house. Mark likes to shoot photos of Randi's flowers with insects in them. This one captures a Daylily with a beetle lurking within. Why is it blue? Well they seem to change color according to the light.

One day, Mark hopes to shoot a hummingbird feeding in one of Randi's flower gardens, but thus far that goal has proven elusive.

Technical Specs:
Camera: Kodak DC4800 in auto mode, with a wide angle lens. Taken about one foot from the flower.


Would you like your photo to appear in this column? To submit your photo, please send it in jpg format to [email protected]. Please abide by the following submission rules:
  1. Only tasteful photos (i.e., no violence or nudity)
  2. Include a brief explanation of what the photo is about
  3. The camera you used (or scanner)
  4. Where and when the photo was shot
  5. Selection is entirely up to the newsletter editor
  6. You agree to have your photo published here
  7. Submission limit of one photo per month, please
Credit will be given to those whose photos are selected.

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©2006 by Mark Corchin, Stan Horwitz & MLMUG
Posted 03/26/06
Updated xx/xx/06