MLMUG Member of the Month
An Occasional Look at the Person Behind the Member

By Maria O. Arguello,
MLMUG Member-at-Large
& Occasional Ace Reporter

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Stan Horwitz

Our October member of the month, Stan Horwitz, is a relatively new MLMUG member. But he has wasted no time in rolling up his sleeves to be a full time participant. He is very active with the Listserv, has been to MacDinner 14, and participated in the June picnic. With so much visibility I wanted to know more about Stan. He accepted being member of the month and shares his experiences and background with us. Thank you, Stan.
— Maria O. Arguello

Randy Philips

Stan Horwitz

Hi, my name is Stan Horwitz. I was born and raised in Philadelphia; I am single and have no kids. I work in the Academic Computer Services office at Temple University where I manage several large-scale UNIX servers and a Windows 2000 server.

Regrettably, I am one of the few voices in the Temple administration that expresses support of the Mac.

I enjoy traveling in my off time and would like to live in a foreign country some day. The next best thing to living in a foreign country is...New Jersey, where I have been Pennsauken, with my cat, Fred, for the past six years.

In addition to travel, I am an avid fan of Heinz ketchup, as you can see from the photo. I am probably the only person who collects bottles of Heinz ketchup from different countries. In my collection are bottles from Greece, India, Thailand, Japan, England, Canada, France, Spain, and Finland. I am also interested in digital photography, which ties in nicely with my interest in Macs and OS X.

I am a relatively new MLMUG member, having joined in April, and I enjoy the MLMUG people a lot. Since that first meeting I have interacted with other MLMUGers on the MLMUG list, and have learned much about the Mac and its capabilities. I appreciate the warm reception I have received from many long time MLMUG members, and I look forward to attending future MLMUG events and contributing to the success of our group.

— Stan Horwitz

Click here to view ALL Members of the Month.

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© 2003 by Maria O. Arguello, Stan Horwitz, & MLMUG
Posted 09/21/03
Revised - Not yet