MLMUG Member of the Month
An Occasional Look at the Person Behind the Member

By Maria O. Arguello,
MLMUG Member-at-Large
& Occasional Ace Reporter

Fred Slavin

Fred Slavin celebrated his 78th birthday with his MLMUG family on the day of our February meeting. I've had the pleasure of giving Fred a car ride from time to time as we run into each other at MUG meetings. I've enjoyed listening to his life's adventures. He is especially proud of his family. He's a member of MacBUS, Macs@ PACS, PPUG and MLMUG. I know you will enjoy reading the adventures of this fine person who is always a gentleman.

— Maria O. Arguello


Fred Slavin

Fred Slavin

From Fred Slavin, our February Member of the Month

My interest in computers started about 10 years ago when I decided to challenge my intellectual curiosity in a new way. At first the task seemed daunting. There were several operating systems, many manufacturers of computers, printers, scanners, modems, keyboards and other "things," which I later learned were called "peripherals."

I spent about three months reading magazines, talking to people, and visiting many computer stores. After all the research, I realized that the Mac was for me.

I purchased my first Mac. A Centris 610 with 4 MB of Ram, to which I added another 4 MB and a 230 MB hard drive. I had been talking to some friends about my burgeoning interest in computers. Those who had computers were astounded when I told them I had a computer with 8Mgs of Ram I got comments such as," What are you going to do with all that ram?" or "You will never need that big of a computer". Well... we all know how that turned out.

After university, I spent 20 years developing a company that provided financial advice and set up pension and profit sharing plans. I dealt with the IRS and had to keep informed on tax laws and investment opportunities for my clients. I hired and trained a staff of salespeople. I attended and spoke at seminars. I was licensed by the SEC, by insurance departments of various states, and by the real estate departments of various states. It was challenging and stressful, time consuming and intense. In 1969, I decided I wanted to change and I sold my business to my employees.

I became a carpenter. I had always enjoyed working with wood and thought that I would like to earn my living working with my hands. For the next 15 years, I worked with a group, which we formed as a consortium. We were congenial, talented and worked one job at a time. In our off-hours we pursued other interests. One man was a photographer; most of them were artists. I had always enjoyed traveling; seeing new places and meeting new people. This occupation gave me the opportunity to indulge that interest. The jobs lasted a few weeks or a few months. When that job was completed, we would take on the next job or, by mutual agreement, choose to do something else.

We were able to do this because we were independent and supportive. We knew that we would be welcomed back after a sabbatical.

During this period I traveled. I drove a VW bus and camped.

On a trip across Canada, I heard Nixon's resignation speech near Toronto and Ford's speech near Vancouver.

I took a trip for 2 years in 1975 and 1976 around the United States. I saw snowfall outside Tucson on Easter Sunday. I was in San Francisco on July 4th 1976. I worked as a dinner cook in a ski resort for 3 months in northern New Mexico. I gambled in Las Vegas. I met lots of interesting people. I hiked and camped and read and took pictures.

In 1978, I flew to Europe. Some of you remember Laker Airlines. Stayed in London for three months at a bed and breakfast, bought a used VW bus and went to the France, Spain and Portugal.

I came back to the US to attend my son's graduation. He had gotten an Master of Social Work (MSW) degree and I enjoyed spending time with him and his colleagues. He inspired me to resume my formal education and I wanted to be able to make a professional connection with him as well as the close personal relationship we had established.

I decided I wanted to go back to school and enrolled at Antioch in the Master of Education (M.Ed.) program. I received my degree in 1980. Shortly after that, I worked more consistently as a carpenter and continued for about six or seven years. After a bit I wanted to cut down on the physical work and after some experimentation I started looking into computers. So... I went full circle.

I have enjoyed my involvement with computers and with the MLMUG community. I have carried my Ti Book to France each summer, and before that my 3400 and before that my 2400, so that I am able to keep up my computer interests when I am away. Currently, I am in the process of getting my record and tape collection into my computer. I enjoy editing movies. I am looking forward to getting a 17" iMac for my 78th birthday. Which was, incidentally, on the day of our February meeting.

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© 2003 by Maria O. Arguello, Fred Slavin, & MLMUG
Posted 02/11/03